Here We Go Again

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We made it through the rest of June, July and mid-August without any other big incidents. Of course when you belong to a hunting family, there tend to be some minor mishaps as well, but those are usually easier to deal with and are forgotten quite quickly. I woke up the morning of August 20th to an empty house. Everyone was gone: Sam and Dean had left a note that they were on a hunt with Dad and Declan had taken Cam over to visit with Marissa. I was nearly 7 months pregnant and in nesting mode, so I took the opportunity to clean the entire house from top to bottom. I started downstairs and worked my way upstairs. The last room I decided to clean was my own and as I was finishing up in there, I felt like someone was watching me. "Very funny, guys," I said, turning toward the door. When I saw that no one was there, I just shook it off and figured the heat must have really been getting to me. I turned around to finish cleaning and that's when I was hit in the face with some sort of a wet rag from behind. I tried my best to fight back, but I could feel myself growing weaker and weaker until my entire world went black. I came to about an hour later and realized I had been knocked out with chloroform and taken hostage. I was strapped down on a table, hands and legs both tied up so I couldn't escape. Looking around, I didn't see anyone else in the room, so I had no idea who had grabbed me or why. Not knowing how much time I had before whoever took me came back, I was able to move my hands just enough to reach my phone in my pocket. I carefully felt around for the proper numbers and dialed Sam, then tossed the phone toward my face, catching it in my teeth. I used my nose to turn the volume down and waited for an answer. "Hey babe," Sam said. "We're still out hunting. How are things on your end?" "Not so good," I whispered. "I've been kidnapped, but this time, the person or creature who took me knows what they're doing. I am strapped down to a table, my hands and legs are bound, and my stomach is exposed like someone wants to steal our baby. I'm basically helpless and I'm scared out of my mind right now." "Are you serious right now?" Sam sounded angry. "Can you look around for anything that might help you distinguish what kind of building you're in?" I scanned the room rather quick and something clicked in my head: I had been here before. It was an old mental asylum that we had once saved my father from. "I'll be damned," I replied. "Remember the old asylum that we had to rescue Dad from? This is it. That's where I am. I recognize the room." "That's only about 15 minutes from where we're hunting," he said. "You hold on, sweetheart. We'll be there shortly. I know you're not in the best position to fight, but please fight if you have to. I'm not going to lose you or our daughter, you hear me?" "I'll fight as best I can, baby," I promised. "Just hurry. I love you so much." I didn't even let him respond like he usually does for fear that my captor (or captors) might come back at any moment. I dropped the phone down into my bra and watched for anyone to come walking back into that room. About five minutes later, two men came strolling through the door. I could tell right away that they were demons. They were dressed in hospital clothing, which could only mean one thing: these two were going to attempt to steal my child! "You're not going to get away with this," I told them. "I told you we should have taped her mouth shut," the younger looking demon said. "What fun would that be?" the older one asked. "Muffled screams are not as entertaining as full blooded screams." He then proceeded to pull out a scalpel and walk closer to where I was strapped down. "Don't you touch me!" I screamed. "We're not going to touch you," the older demon said. "We're going to cut you. There's a huge difference." "You're not going to do either," I told him. "You don't think that the boys can tell when I'm in trouble by now? It's like a sixth sense to them." "Even if that IS true, they'll never make it in time," he assured me. The next thing I knew, I felt a sharp pain in my gut as he plunged the scalpel into me and started slicing. "No!!!!" I screamed, more afraid for my daughter than for myself. "This IS entertaining," the younger demon smiled. I felt every single cut this douche made and the pain was so intense that I couldn't help but scream. "Stop!!" I screamed. "Please just stop!!" Both demons just laughed and continued to torture me until I passed out from the pain. When I woke up, I was no longer in the asylum, but instead I was in a hospital bed. I sat up and looked down at my stomach region and nearly lost my mind when I realized that I was no longer with child. "No!!!!" I screamed again, not realizing that Sam, Dean, and my dad were all sitting in the room with me. "Calm down, sweetie," Sam reassured me. "You're ok now." "They've got her!" I yelled. "This can't be happening." "If you're talking about those ass clowns who tried to steal your daughter, they're dead," Dean said. "But..." I started, pointing toward my stomach area. "By the time we got to you, they had cut pretty deep," Dad explained. "Dean and I stayed back and took care of them while Sam brought you here. The doctors couldn't do anything but finish what the demons had started. Your daughter is going to be just fine. She's in the NICU right now." I let out a sigh of relief and then started bawling like a baby. Sam came over and wrapped his arms around me. "Everything is going to be alright, honey," he said. "Catelyn is going to be fine, you are both safe, and those demons can never hurt you again." "Why don't I take you home, Dean?" Dad suggested. "We'll leave these two alone for now." "Sounds like a plan to me, big Jim," Dean said. "You hang in there, princess. We're only a call away if you need us." They both leaned over to kiss my forehead and were out the door shortly after. I grabbed Sam and held on tight, crying myself to sleep in his arms. I knew in my heart that we were all going to be alright, but that had to be one of THE scariest encounters I would ever face in my life.

Sammi and Sam's Supernatural AdventuresOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz