Bad Demon Hunting

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It took us about 45 minutes to finally track down Crowley's rogue demon. We pin pointed him to one specific abandoned house about 25 minutes away from where we lived. "You stay in the car until I tell you it's safe to get out, understood?" Dean asked. "If I'm not back in 5 minutes, you get behind the wheel and take off." "I'm not going to leave you behind, Dean," I said. "What did I say about playing the hero, Sammi?" Dean was angry. "5 minutes. You leave if I'm not back." "Fine," I said, feeling defeated. As soon as Dean disappeared into the house my phone rang. The caller ID told me that it was my husband, so I answered it. "Hello babe," I said. "How's your case going?" "Not too great," he replied. "We may be here another day if we don't get a solid lead soon. How are you doing, sweetie? Are you feeling better?" "Feeling better?" I was confused. "It's not like I was sick or anything. Or was I and I just don't remember?" Sam laughed. "No, baby. You haven't been sick. You've been a little on edge lately, though. We all get it. You suffered a major trauma almost 4 months ago, so it's understandable. I just want to know that my wife is ok, both physically and emotionally." "I'm fine, I promise," I told him. "I accidentally smacked Dean in the face with a gun, though." "Why would you do that?" he asked. "I was alone in the kitchen, cooking breakfast, and I felt a chill," I said. "So I grabbed a gun, you know, just in case there was something or someone behind me, and when I turned around Dean was right there. It's his own fault." "Was there anything in the house, though?" Sam asked. "Someone was definitely there," I replied. "He told me to say hello to the moose." "Crowley??" Sam sounded a little worried. "In the flesh," I answered. "He came looking for both of you. He needed help tracking down one of his demons who went rogue." "So did Dean go?" he asked. "Of course he went," I said. "Only problem is that Crowley told him he was going to need help. Apparently this demon went way off the deep end." "Did he call Cas?" Sam wondered. "He didn't have to," I replied. "He had help standing right next to him." "Sweetheart, don't tell me you offered to go," Sam said. "Honey, listen," I started, "Marissa has the kids. Declan's in Canada. You and Dad are out on a hunt until who knows when. I cannot be alone right now. And I have the hunter blood in me. Like I told Dean, I saved you guys more than once without being trained. I can handle this." "I never said you couldn't," Sam said. "I just don't know what I would do if anything happened to you." "I'll be fine," I told him. "If it gets bad, I will get in the car and drive away. I already promised Dean that." "Alright, sweetie," he said. "Just be careful. I will call you again later when I know exactly how long we're going to be. I love you." "I love you more," I replied, then disconnected the call. When I looked up from my phone, Dean was still nowhere in sight. I went into my recent call history and checked to see just how long Sam and I had been talking for...7 minutes. This was bad. This was very bad. Dean said to give him 5 minutes. I knew I should do what I was told and drive away, but Dean was family, and regardless of what I had promised, I don't leave family behind for anything. I grabbed the keys out of the ignition, locked the doors and made my way inside the house. I grabbed my angel blade out of my coat pocket and quietly searched the first floor. After going around one more time to make sure I didn't miss anything, I decided to search the basement first. As I made my way carefully down the stairs, I could hear voices getting closer. "I'm not going back," the demon said. "Crowley never said I had to bring you back," Dean replied. "Good," the demon answered. "So why don't you try and kill me?" "That's what I've been doing," Dean said. "Crowley wasn't kidding when he said you were strong." I made my way around the back of the basement, away from the voices, trying to keep from being seen. I peered around the corner to see if I had a way to sneak up behind the demon without being noticed. If I stayed behind the appliances along the wall, I could definitely get to him undetected. As I crept along, I watched as Dean tried to go after this demon. He didn't get but two steps in and I watched as he was thrown backward toward the wall. The demon laughed. "You Winchesters really don't give up, do you?" Dean stood back up and tried to gain his composure. I was almost right behind the demon now, angel blade at the ready. Dean must have seen me because I saw a look of horror on his face mixed with a little anger at the fact that I disobeyed his orders. The demon must have detected something too because just as I was about to surprise him from behind, he turned toward me. "You brought company," he smiled. "Sam couldn't make it?" "I'm his replacement for the day," I said, lunging at him, attempting to stab his heart. I didn't make it. He threw his arms up and threw me backward into an old mirror. The mirror shattered, sending shards of glass everywhere, including a few into my body. As I lay there bleeding and in pain, I heard Dean shouting, "You bastard!" Next thing I knew, I saw a flash of light and some black smoke. Knowing that meant Dean had killed the demon, I dropped down the rest of the way to the floor and groaned in pain. Dean ran over and picked me up off the floor, carrying me out of the house and to the car. "I told you to leave after 5 minutes," he said angrily. "Why are you so damn stubborn?" "Because I love my family," I replied. "No one gets left behind on my watch. Not even you." "You could have been killed!" he yelled as he drove toward the hospital. "But I wasn't," I said, still groaning in pain. "Just got a few flesh wounds, that's all." "A few?" Dean said. "There have to be about a dozen pieces of glass stuck in you right now." "I'll be fine," I told him. "Why can't you just thank me for showing up when I did? Otherwise, it may have been you who went through the mirror. And then what would you have done?" Dean didn't say another word. When we got to the hospital, our usual doctor was on call. As they were taking me back to a private room to work on me, I called out to Dean: "Call your brother and let him know what happened. He already knows I was with you." I knew Sam was going to be furious, but I didn't care at that point. Although hurt, I was alive, and I had just saved Dean's life....

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