Wide Awake

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An entire month had passed since the accident that had left me in a coma. I continued to have out of body experiences, watching my entire family come and go, checking in on me, praying for me to wake up soon. Sam only left long enough to go home and shower and would then return and sleep by my side each night. Early one morning while Sam was getting himself some coffee, I walked over and touched my own arm. I didn't know what I was expecting, but in the next few moments I felt my spirit return to my body and I slowly opened my eyes. I looked around the room, and seeing that it was empty, I reached over and hit the "nurse call" button. Minutes later, a nurse walked in to check my vitals. "You gave everyone quite a scare, young lady," she said. "What happened?" I asked, not remembering a thing. "You fell about 50 feet and have been in a coma for about a month now," she replied. "What?" I was in shock. "All I can say is you are one lucky lady," she said. "Someone up above was looking out for you." "Where's my husband?" I asked. "That boy has not left your side since the accident," she said. "I believe he's downstairs getting coffee. He should be back any moment. I'm going to let the doctor know that you're awake." She left the room shortly after and I just laid there trying to wrap my brain around what she had just told me. 50 feet?? And I survived?? Why couldn't I remember?? I reached over toward the table and drank the water that had been left for me. Just as I was returning the cup to the table, Sam walked into the room. "Sweetheart!" he exclaimed. "You're awake. How do you feel??" He walked over and ran his hand through my hair. "I honestly don't know," I said. "The nurse just told me what happened, but I don't remember any of it." "You were in a coma for an entire month," he told me. "You hit your head pretty hard. It's a miracle you're even alive." "She said the same thing," I said. "It's possible you have amnesia," he suggested. "We'll get through it. I'm just so relieved that you're awake." "I heard you never left my side," I smiled. "I couldn't even if I wanted to," he said. "The family wasn't going to let me leave you alone for anything. Well, except to go home and shower. And even then, someone was always with you." "Where's Cam?" I asked. "He's been staying with your dad and Marissa," Sam replied. "Dean and Declan have been helping out with him, too." "I had the weirdest dream while I was comatose," I said. "I was staring at my own body, watching you as you pleaded with me to fight. I watched you cry. I felt like I heard every conversation you guys had while I was sleeping." "I don't think that was a dream, baby," he said. "I swear I felt a presence here while you were out. I think it's possible you had an out of body experience." "Those are real??" I asked. "Sweetie, Dean, your dad, and I hunt supernatural beings for a living," he smiled. "Anything is possible." The doctor came in a short time later to bring me to run some tests, see if everything truly was good with me. After bringing me back to the room some minutes later, I asked Sam if he could call the family, let them know I was awake now. He only made one call, and that was to Dean. His phone was so loud, I heard the entire conversation. "Hey Sammy," Dean said. "What's the good word?" "She's awake," Sam told his brother. "She doesn't remember what happened, but she's awake and she's talking." "That's awesome," Dean replied. "Is she up for company?" "That would be great," I answered. "She's ready," Sam said. "Go and get the others and we'll see y'all very soon." "You got it," Dean said. Sam hung up with his brother and turned his attention back to me. "Are you hungry baby?" he asked. "I could go for a little something in my stomach," I said. "My guess is the only nutrients I have gotten in the last month came from the IV." Sam waved one of the nurses over and asked her to order some food from the cafeteria. She was more than happy to oblige, and my food arrived about ten minutes later. The doctor returned shortly after with the results of my tests. "Everything looks great," he told us. "You may experience a little bit of amnesia, but that will go away after a day or two. I'm sure you've already heard this once or twice, but you are one lucky young lady." "When can she go home?" Sam asked. "I would like to keep her for one more night, just to make sure we didn't miss anything," he said. "If she doesn't relapse or have any other problems, we can discharge her tomorrow morning." "Thanks so much, doctor," I said between bites. No sooner had the doctor left us when the gang decided to make an appearance. Luckily, I had finished eating my food just before they walked in. "Hey princess," Dean said. "So good to see you up and alert." "You gave us quite a scare, baby girl," Dad added. "So I've heard," I smiled. "When are they going to let you out of here?" Declan asked. "As long as I don't relapse or have any problems before tomorrow, the doctor said he will discharge me in the morning," I said. "That's good to hear," Dean said. "The house is so empty without you two." "Where's my baby boy?" I asked. "Right here," Marissa said, walking over to the bed and handing my son over. "Hi there buddy," I smiled. "Mommy missed you so much." I gave him a kiss on his forehead and he smiled back at me. "I think the feeling is mutual," Marissa replied. "So the nurse told me I fell like 50 feet??" I asked. "More like you were knocked down 50 feet," Declan said. "You don't remember?" "The doctor said she has a slight case of amnesia," Sam told him. "But he's hopeful it should pass within a day or two." "It's probably better that you don't remember what happened," Declan replied. "It was so stupid to begin with." I just flashed my brother a smile and then turned my attention back to Cam. I would eventually remember what had landed me in that hospital bed, but for the moment I was just happy that I wasn't hurt worse...the thought of my son growing up without a mom just made me cringe. I truly was a very lucky girl to have survived such an ordeal.

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