Here Comes The Pain Again

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Two weeks after Scarlett's run-in with those demons, everyone was back home and safe, and Declan, his girlfriend, and I were home alone. Marissa had taken the kids to visit her parents down in Florida, and Dad and the boys were off on a hunt in Pennsylvania. The day started out great; Dana had cooked us breakfast and made plans for the three of us to see a movie. Since she had everything already planned out, we made our way around town in her car. We got to the mall early to walk around, maybe do some shopping, and just kill some time before the start of the movie. I couldn't even tell you what movie we had gone to see, but I can tell you what happened about halfway through it. I remember feeling an intense pain in my abdomen and thinking I was having a bad reaction to something I ate. I excused myself to the ladies' room and it hit me like a shot...I started gagging, which led to me vomiting. When I looked down at the toilet again, all I could see was bright red. I must have been gone a good long while, because before I knew it I heard Dana calling my name from behind the stall door. I reached back and unlocked the door and all I heard was her saying, "Oh crap!" before I passed out on the floor. When I came to, I was laying in a hospital bed and it was late afternoon/early evening. What had happened to me? And how long was I out? I turned my head toward the door and the doctor was standing there, reviewing my chart. "Please tell me I'm not dying," I said. "Not today," he replied. "You were close to it, though, when your brother and his girlfriend brought you in." "What happened?" I asked. "All I can remember is throwing up, seeing lots of red, and then passing out." "We're not sure how, but one of your ovaries burst," he explained. "It could have been a long time in the making, seeing as you've been hurt in your abdomen more times than we can count." "So you had to remove it, right?" I assumed. "We did," he said. "While we were in there, we double checked your other ovary. It wasn't as bad, but we removed it anyway to prevent this from ever happening again." "So basically you had to give me a hysterectomy," I replied. "Exactly," he answered. "Which means no more babies for you." "I got lucky and had one of each," I told him. "I'm perfectly alright with that. Has anyone informed my husband? He's away on a trip with his brother and my dad." "I believe your brother called him to let him know you were here," the doctor said. "I don't think he told him what happened. He wanted to let you tell him yourself." "Would you mind sending my brother and his girlfriend in to see me?" I asked. "Absolutely," he smiled. "Recovery time for this surgery is about three days. Think you can handle that?" "I should have a rewards card by now, don't you think?" I winked. He just laughed and made his way out the door. A few minutes later, Declan and Dana made an appearance at my bedside. "How are you feeling?" Dana asked. "Like I just had my insides ripped out," I admitted. "Oh wait. I did. Kind of." "Do they know what caused it?" Declan asked. "Nope," I said. "But I can safely say that one too many hits to the abdomen probably didn't help." "Did they take out your appendix?" Dana asked. "I had that removed a while back," I explained. "They had to remove my ovaries. One of them burst and the other one would have burst later on down the line anyway." "That means no more babies for you," Declan said. "I know," I told him. "It's okay, though. I got lucky with one of each. IF Sam and I ever decide we want more children, there are plenty of kids in the system who need good homes." "Speaking of Sam, he's on his way here," Declan said. "He probably won't be here until tomorrow morning. He left as soon as I called him, which was right after we got you in the car, which was, oh, 5 hours ago?" "He did say it was about a 14 hour ride," I added. "Which means he should get in around 1 or 2 in the morning," Dana said. "Unless he took a plane, in which case it only takes about an hour and a half," Sam said, as he entered the room. "In that case, you should have been here around 1 or 2 this afternoon," Dana said. "Unless he couldn't get a flight right away," Declan added. "In which case, he would arrive later, like say right now." Sam walked over to the bed and kissed my forehead. "What happened this time, baby? Did you get into a fight with another monster?" "If only," I admitted. "Apparently I've taken one too many hits to the abdomen over the years. One of my ovaries burst. While they were in there, they checked the other one too. It wasn't as bad, but it was getting there, so they had to remove them both." "Permanent birth control," Declan added. "I know we've talked about having more kids someday," I told Sam. "But I'm also content with the two we have. We got lucky. We have the perfect American family." "I agree," Sam smiled. "Besides, if we did decide to have more kids one day, we could always adopt." "That's what I said!" I exclaimed. "I'm just glad you're okay," he said. "When Declan called to say you were in the hospital, my heart was in my throat. He didn't have a lot of information to provide me with." "Well I'm alive and I'm going to be going home in three days," I smiled. "When are Dad and Dean supposed to return?" "Probably in three days," Sam said. "I didn't really give them a chance to answer me when I asked if they wanted to leave. I was too worried about you to care about anyone else." "That's understandable," Declan said. "She's your wife, your soulmate. She's probably the same way with you." "You bet your ass I am," I told him. "I become a train wreck when something happens to Sam." "I just  got a text from Dean," Sam said. "He said they are about 5 hours from home." "Dad must be booking it right now," Declan said. "There's no other way they could be 5 hours away in such a short period of time." "His baby girl is in the hospital," Dana told him. "Wouldn't you be the same way if it were your child?" "Of course I would," Declan replied. "I'm not blaming him one bit for trying to get here fast." "Why don't you and I go back to the house and leave these two alone?" Dana suggested. "Thanks for the call, bro," Sam told Declan, giving him a handshake. "I got it from here, though. Go enjoy the rest of your evening with your lady." Declan rolled over to my beside and kissed my hand. "Get some sleep, sis. You look like crap." He winked, I laughed, and the two of them made their way out the door. "Declan is right about one thing," I said. "I am a little tired. Why don't you hop on up here next to me so I can have my usual pillow?" "I wouldn't have it any other way," Sam smiled as he laid down next to me so I could rest my head on his chest. I may have been in the hospital that day, but with Sam by my side it felt more like home....and it took my mind off the pain.

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