Merry Christmas Time Again

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As promised, Dad and Marissa returned our kids in time for Christmas. Since I was still a little sore from my ordeal with the demon, we were all going to get together at Dad's place for Christmas. The only one who wasn't going to be able to make it was Declan, seeing as his flight was delayed for a few days due to snow. In some ways, I was a little jealous that he was getting a chance to spend a holiday with our sister...but you must remember that Christmas day is also my son's birthday, so no matter where I ended up, he had to be with me. After dinner on Christmas Eve, I asked Dean if he would be willing to drive me to the store to get some cake baking supplies. The kids were still with my Dad and Marissa, so we didn't have to take them with us. "Isn't the store closed already?" Dean asked. "The local market stays open until 8 every day except Christmas," I told him. "And where's my brother?" Dean asked. "Last I knew, he was upstairs taking a nap," I said. "If you don't want to take me, I can walk." "No you won't," he replied. "How many times have we let you go to the market alone and you ran into trouble? I'll take you." "I'll go and let Sam know where we're going," I said, heading up the stairs. I quietly opened the door and walked over to the bed, placing my hand gently on his shoulder. "Huh, what?" he muttered before opening his eyes. "Oh, hey baby. Is everything alright?" "Yes," I replied. "All is well. I just wanted to let you know that Dean is taking me to the store. I didn't want you to panic if you woke up from your nap and the house was empty." "Give me two minutes to throw on some pants and I'll go with you," Sam said. "Ok," I answered. "You can help me pick out the cake flavor for Cam's birthday cake." "I can't believe he's about to turn 2 tomorrow," Sam replied. "Time flies when you're having fun and when you have kids," I smiled. Sam put on some pants, grabbed his jacket from the closet, and escorted me downstairs where Dean was waiting. We hopped into the car and took off down the road. At the market, Sam and I headed straight for the baking aisle while Dean decided to make his way toward the bakery. We picked out a vanilla cake and some blue and white frosting before making our way back up front to the check out counter. Dean was already waiting for us with a bag of his own. We made our purchase, thanked the cashier, got back in the car, and headed back to the house. I started Cam's cake as soon as we returned home. When it had finished baking, I took it out of the oven and let it sit for about twenty minutes before I decorated it. Satisfied with my final product, I made my way upstairs to take a shower. "Sweetie?" I heard Sam call from downstairs. "I'm in the shower," I yelled. "I'll be down shortly." A few minutes later, I heard footsteps in my bathroom. "Can't a girl shower in peace?" I teased. "I can wait in the bed if you want," Sam replied. "I'm still feeling a little under the weather." "You can join me if you want," I suggested. "A hot shower might help." Within seconds, Sam was undressed and in the tub with me. "Do you want me to wash your hair for you, sweetie?" he asked. "You know I can't say no to that," I smiled. He started with my hair, then moved on to my body. When he had finished, I moved out of the water stream and let him stand there for a little while, hoping the shower would help him feel a little better. "I can leave you in peace for a little bit," I told him. "I'm finished anyway." "I'd rather you stay," he said. While he washed his hair, I grabbed a loofah and cleaned his body for him. When I finished, I excused myself from the shower and dried myself off. Peeking out to make sure the door was closed, I walked my naked self into the bedroom to get my pajamas. Before I could even open the drawer, Sam had walked up behind me and spun me around to face him. I started kissing him and he picked me up and moved me to the bed. He hesitated for a moment, then told me, "We don't have to go any further if you're still hurting." "That's very sweet of you, baby," I replied. "But I'll be fine, I promise." Without saying another word, he started kissing me again until I pulled him down on top of me. When we were finished, we just laid there under the sheets, in each other's arms, and we fell asleep that way. The next morning, we both got up early, got dressed, and were ready to head over to Dad and Marissa's place for their usual breakfast buffet. I told Sam to head on downstairs and I would go and wake Dean, but Dean was already waiting for us by the front door. "I should have known you'd be awake already," I said. "You can detect food from miles away, can't you?" "That's classified information, young lady," he teased with a smile. We were greeted with hugs and beautiful babies when we arrived. We spent most of the morning eating breakfast and opening presents; by late afternoon, the only ones who were awake were myself and Marissa. I offered to help her cook, and she gladly accepted. By about 5:30, we had all the food cooked and set out on the table before we woke up the boys. "Dinner smells delicious," Dean said. "Looks delicious too," Dad chimed in. "You really outdid yourself today, my darling." "Sammi helped," Marissa said. "I needed something to do while everyone napped," I teased. "Speaking of napping, your husband is still passed out on the couch," Dad told me. "Y'all sit down and eat," I said. "I'll go check on him. He hasn't been feeling all that great today." I made my way over to the living room couch and put my hand on Sam's forehead. He felt so hot that you'd think he'd just come back from visiting Hell. "Baby," I said, shaking him lightly. "Wake up. You're burning up." He opened his eyes and looked at me. "I feel like Hell," he told me. "I think I caught a bug or something." "I'll go and get you some water, keep you hydrated," I replied. I kissed his forehead before heading into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. I made my way back to Sam and was getting ready to hand him his drink when he sat up quickly and started throwing up. Since I was standing in the line of fire, most of what he threw up wound up on me. I calmly put the glass down on the table and asked Marissa to grab some paper towels. "Oh God, I am so sorry sweetie," Sam said. "You don't have to be sorry," I assured him. "You're sick. Things like this happen. It just sucks that it's Christmas day and you're feeling like this." Marissa came out to the living room with paper towels and some ice packs for Sam's head. She helped him lay back down and put the ice packs on his forehead while I wiped up the mess. After I had finished and thrown everything away, Marissa took me upstairs to the master bedroom to find some clean clothes for me to wear. I stuck the dirty clothes in a plastic garbage bag and threw them out on the porch, then joined everyone else at the dinner table. Later that night as we were getting ready to have cake for Cam, I asked Dean to go and check Sam's temperature. "The ice packs seem to be working," Dean said. "His forehead feels almost normal now." "That's good," I smiled. "We'll just have to keep an eye on it for the next 24 hours. If it spikes again, we'll have to get him to the hospital." When we all had our fill of cake, Dad and Dean cleaned the dishes while Marissa and I got the kids ready for bed. Since Sam was sick, we were just going to stay the night, make it easy on everyone. Dean helped me move Sam to our bedroom before heading off to bed himself. It may not have been the best Christmas ever, but at least we made it through the day with nothing more major than whatever sickness was plaguing Sam.  

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