Do-NATE Ask Me Twice

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Sam and I waited for what seemed like hours to hear anything on Dean's condition. When we finally saw a doctor walking our way, we both prepared for the worst. "Just give it to us straight, doc," Sam said. "Is my brother going to die?" "Only if we can't get his liver fixed," the doctor replied. "So he drank so much that he needs a new liver?!" I exclaimed. "He only needs part of a liver, not the whole thing," the doctor informed us. "How long does he have?" Sam asked. "With good behavior, meaning not even one beer, I'd say 6 months," the doctor said. "If we can get him that partial liver transplant before then, though, he'll have a long and healthy life." "How do we go about getting him on the list?" I asked. "We already went ahead and placed him on the list, but you may want to think about doing a live donor transplant," the doctor suggested. "I'll do it," Sam replied. "He IS my brother, after all. We have to be a match." "Actually, we looked over your files and you are NOT a match," the doctor said, solemnly. "However, there is one person in your group that is a perfect match." "It's me, isn't it?" I asked. "How'd you guess?" the doctor said, shocked. "Dean donated a kidney to me a few years ago," I told him. "It would make sense that I would be a match for him." "I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want to do," the doctor said. "Obviously this is something y'all need to discuss. I know you have children to think about now. I'll leave you two alone and be back later to check in." After he walked away, Sam turned to me and said, "You're going to do it, aren't you? I'm not saying you owe Dean anything, since he DID do this to himself, but he can't go out like this. You know that as much as I do." He started to tear up. "Of course I'm going to do it," I assured him. "Yes, we have kids to think about now, but this is a life or death situation, not like the time I actually went looking for trouble. Plus, it's Dean. He saved my life many times, not just with the kidney donation." Sam hugged me, tears still in his eyes. "I love you so much!" he exclaimed. I kissed his cheek. "I love you too," I said. "And I love your brother. And I'll be damned if one bad decision is going to take him away from us and the kids." I walked up to the nurse's station and asked them if they could page the doctor for me. While we were waiting, Sam held me in his arms and stroked my hair. A short time later, the doctor returned to where we were sitting. I stood up and looked him dead in the eye. "I want to be a living donor for my brother-in-law," I told him. "I'll sign whatever papers I have to, but I want to help save his life." "Are you absolutely sure?" he asked. "You'll have to be in the hospital for about a week for purpose of recovery." "Whatever it takes," I said. "I just want Dean to be alright, and to live a long, healthy life. My kids are in good hands, my husband is by my side, what more do you need from me?" "Let's go get you prepped, then," the doctor smiled. "We can do all the paperwork another day." I walked over to Sam and gave him a huge hug and kiss. "You'll be waiting for us when this is all over, won't you?" I asked. "Do you really have to ask?" he smiled. I followed the doctor to the back rooms and got myself prepared to save Dean's life. I woke up hours later to the sight of Sam sitting next to his brother's bed, talking to him. Dean wasn't awake yet, and he was hooked up to more machines than I was. "We were too late, weren't we?" I asked, starting to cry. Sam rolled over to me, teary eyed. "No, babe. You were right on time," he said. "The doctors said these machines were precautionary. They should be removed in a day or two." "Has he woken up yet?" I asked. "Not yet, but the doctors said he was pretty bad off when he got here, so..." Sam replied. "Was the surgery a success, then?" I asked. "It was," he assured me. "Now it's just a matter of waiting for Dean to wake up." I reached for my call button and pressed it. "What are you doing?" Sam asked. "I'm right here." "Yes, but you're still wheelchair bound," I reminded him as the nurse walked in. "Yes ma'am?" she asked. "Could you push my bed next to my brother-in-law's, please?" I asked in return. "Of course," she said. After helping to get me closer to Dean, she left the room again. I grabbed Dean's hand and started talking to him. "You do NOT get to die like this, do you hear me? I didn't just give you part of my liver so you could go out this way, no sir. You are going to wake up and be happy that you are alive." "Don't you think I tried that already?" Sam said. As if on cue, Dean slowly started to stir and he opened his eyes to look right at me. "Hey princess," he said with a faint smile. "Welcome back," I smiled. Sam wheeled himself over to the other side of Dean's bed. "Thanks for the scare, jerk," he said. "Stop whining, bitch," Dean winked. "In all seriousness, though, I can't thank you guys enough for showing up when you did. And you, Sammi girl, for everything you did for me, especially giving me part of your liver. I know that decision couldn't have been easy." "Actually, it really was," I told him. "Sam and I agreed it was what needed to be done. They were only giving you 6 months to live without the transplant. Besides, you gave me a kidney, so now we're even." The three of us laughed and spent the remainder of that first night just reminiscing about some of the insane situations we'd gotten ourselves into. Sure, recovery was going to be lengthy for us, but as long as we had each other and our family, Dean and I were going to be out of there in no time.

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