Welcome To My Nightmare

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The first few nights at home weren't too bad; I was able to sleep with no problems and all three boys took turns tending to the kids to allow me some extra time to rest. About a week later, I was lying in bed watching TV and waiting for Sam to return home from a trip with my dad. Dean and Declan were out with Cam and Marissa was watching Catelyn. I must have been very uninterested in whatever I was watching, though, because I wound up falling asleep. What followed next felt so real that even today I tend to have flashbacks. I was finishing up the last of the dishes from dinner and started a pot of coffee. As I made my way into the living room, I noticed something on the floor that looked a lot like blood. I followed the trail to my brother's room and opened the door, finding him cut open on his bed like a gutted fish. Not knowing whether or not the perpetrator was still in the house, I ran up the stairs to check on the rest of my crew. My motherly instincts kicked into high gear and I checked on the kids first. Both rooms were empty, so I was hoping Sam and Dean had my babies. I ran back down the hall and into my bedroom first. Sam was nowhere to be found. I then ran across the hall to Dean's room and once again was disappointed to find no one was there. I grabbed a gun and an angel blade off of Dean's dresser, ran back downstairs, and headed out the front door. Baby was gone, which led me to believe that Sam and Dean must have been on a hunt. I ran down the block and around the corner to Dad's place, banging on the door so hard that I thought I was going to break it. Marissa opened the door and invited me in. "Do you have my kids?" I asked her. "There's no one here but me," she answered. "Is everything alright?" "No, it's not," I said. "Declan's dead, the boys are gone, and my kids are missing." "Slow down," she told me. "Declan's dead?? And your kids are missing??" "Yes," I started to cry. "I don't know what's going on, but I need to find the boys and my babies." "Let me call your father," she said. "I thought the boys were supposed to go with him. Maybe they took the kids out for the day." "But Declan..." I couldn't finish my sentence. While Marissa went to call my dad, my cell phone beeped to let me know I had a picture message. The number came up as unknown, but since I was desperate to find my family, I opened it anyway. "Ah!!" I screamed as I saw the photo. Marissa came running into the room, still on the phone with Dad. "What's wrong honey?" she asked. I couldn't speak, just turned my phone so she could see what I was looking at. "Oh boy," she replied. "We've got the kids, dear. Or at least someone does. Sammi just received a picture message." "Their eyes," I said. "Look at their eyes." "What's wrong with their eyes," I heard Dad ask. "They're black," Marissa said. "Son of a bitch!" Dad screamed. "Are the boys with him?" I asked. "Yes," Marissa answered. The next thing I heard was Sam's voice, which prompted Marissa to hand over her phone to me. "What's going on baby?" Sam asked. "The kids," I said. "They've been taken. Declan's dead and our kids have been possessed by demons." "What are you talking about?" he replied. "How do you know they've been possessed." I sent the picture to Sam's phone and waited for his reaction. "You've got to be kidding me!" he yelled. "Did they give you any other info? Like where this picture was taken?" "No, nothing," I started crying. "Our babies. Oh God, our babies." "We're going to find them, sweetie," Sam said. "You just stay with Marissa and leave everything to us, ok?" "O..o...ok," I managed to say before disconnecting the call. I studied the picture of my children for quite some time before making a startling discovery. "Oh my God!" I exclaimed. "What's the matter?" Marissa asked. "I know where my kids are," I told her. "I recognize the background. They're still inside my house." "The basement!" Marissa said. "I have to go, Marissa," I said. "I just have to." "Do you have protection?" she asked. "Of course I do," I said. "I'm a Winchester AND a hunter by blood." "I'll call the boys back and let them know," she said. "Please be careful." I ran out the door and back to my own house. I opened the door to the basement and carefully made my way down the stairs, gun at the ready. "I know you're down here," I said. "I just want my kids back." As I turned the corner I saw the demon who had my son and daughter just looking in my direction and smiling. "They're mine now," he said. "There's nothing you can do about it." "No, but we can," came a voice from behind me. I turned around to see Sam, Dean, and Dad all with their guns at the ready also. "Sammi, get out of the way," Dean said. I wasn't about to disobey, so I just walked back toward the stairs and watched from a safe distance. Sam started with his incantations as Dean and Dad waited for the perfect moment to strike the demon. The next thing I remembered was watching in horror as the soul left my son's body, but due to the fact that the demon stabbed him, NOT due to Sam's incantations. "Noooooo!!!!" I screamed and lunged in the direction of my son's lifeless body. Just as my hands were about to touch him, I felt my body jerk and heard Sam's voice saying, "Wake up, sweetheart." As the image of my dead child started to disappear, I could feel myself starting to sweat and shiver all at the same time. Again I heard Sam's voice. "Sammi, baby, please wake up." I sat up so fast that I gave myself a headache. When I realized that I was in my bedroom and not the basement, I started rambling. "The kids. Declan. Demon. What???" "You must have been having a really nasty dream," Sam said. "The kids are both fine. They're both at your dad's place right now, along with Declan and Dean. I came over to check on you and tell you we're having dinner over there tonight." "So everyone is alright?" I asked. "Declan's not dead. Cam's not dead. And the kids weren't turned into demons?" "No one is dead," Sam promised. "But that sounds like a pretty terrifying dream to me." "It felt so real," I said, still shaking. "Why don't you take a shower, sweetie?" he suggested. "And then take some of your medicine. I know I would need it after a nightmare like that." I nodded my head and did just that; after I was all showered and I had taken my medicine, Sam and I headed over to Dad and Marissa's place. When we got there, I scooped up my kids and gave them the biggest hug in the world. I made my way around the room, giving every one of my family members hugs as well. Later that night, Sam explained to them all why I went a little crazy on the love, while I sat there and thanked my lucky stars that it was all just a really scary dream....

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