Is It Over Yet?

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The last 6 days of 2015 were the longest I could remember in a while. Sam's sickness turned out to be walking pneumonia, so he had to spend two nights in the hospital. The day before New Year's eve, Dad took Dean out on a hunting trip. Since Sam was still recuperating, Marissa and I took the babies and went for a girls day out. The day started out pretty decent, but by the end of the night, we'd wind up with two other people in the hospital (and no, my sister wasn't one of them). Halfway through our adventure, both of our phones went off simultaneously. We walked over to the food court and took a seat before answering. "Hello?" we both said at the same time. I tuned out Marissa's voice so I could concentrate on my own phone call. "Baby, you two have to end your girls day now," Sam said. "It's your dad. Dean's got him at the hospital. There was some kind of accident." "Oh lord," I replied. "How bad is it? Life-threatening??" "Dean didn't go into details," he explained. "He just said we need to get to the hospital as soon as possible." "Are you alright to go?" I asked. "I don't want you getting sick again." "Probably not a good idea," Sam said. "The hospital is the worst place for me to be right now." "Germs," I agreed. "Are you well enough to keep the kids with you? I really don't want them at the hospital either." "Of course," Sam answered. "The majority of the virus is out of my system. They should be fine around daddy." "We'll be there shortly to drop them off," I said. "I really hope he's going to be okay." "Your dad is a strong man in many ways," Sam reassured me. "I'm sure he'll be fine." "See you soon, babe," I said. Marissa and I hung up our phones, packed the kids in the car, and raced to the house to leave them with Sam. I gave him a quick kiss and turned to walk back to the car when my legs decided to give out. I fell to the porch pretty hard, but luckily didn't break anything or even hit my head. "Are you ok, sweetie??" Sam asked, running to my aid. "I can't feel my legs," I told him. "What?????????" Sam was nervous now. "I don't know why, but I just can't feel them right now," I said again. He quickly rolled up my pant legs and let out an "Oh my God" before Marissa ran up to see what was going on. "What in the world..." she said. "It looks like some kind of infection," Sam told her. "Infection???" I was worried now. Sam picked me up and carried me to the car, strapping me in the front seat. "Get her to the hospital as quickly as you can," he told Marissa. "And let Dad know I'm thinking of him." "I will," she said, getting into the driver's seat and taking off like a shot. We arrived at the hospital within minutes, and Marissa picked me up and took me into the emergency room. "Someone please help!" Marissa begged. "My step daughter can't feel her legs." Two nurses rushed over with a gurney and placed me onto it. "But my dad..." I started to say. "I'll get you an update as soon as I can, I promise," she told me, holding my hand. They wheeled me right to the MRI machine to see what might be causing the infection. After they wheeled me to an actual room, it was only a matter of minutes before a doctor showed up to give me the news. "Your scans show there is a shard of glass in your left leg that we didn't pick up on when you were last here," he said. "We need to get you into surgery as soon as possible before the infection causes you to lose your leg completely." "Are you kidding me??" I couldn't believe my ears. "My dad was in an accident and I haven't heard anything yet about his condition. My husband is home with my kids recuperating from walking pneumonia. This is insane." "It is, and I'm sorry, but if we don't operate, we'll have to amputate," he explained. "I'm pretty sure you don't want that." "No, I don't," I agreed. "Can someone please call my husband and tell him what's going on? He should be my emergency contact." "I'll get a hold of him for you, ma'am," one of the nurses said. "Thank you," I replied. They wheeled me off to an OR, and I think I only got to the number 8 before everything went dark. When I finally came to, the nurse was checking my fluids and updating my chart. "Am I going to be okay?" I asked her. "The doctor was able to remove the glass shard and the entire infection," she said. "You were lucky. If you had waited one more day, you definitely would have lost your leg." "Thank goodness for temporary paralysis then," I replied. "Any news on my dad? And was anyone able to reach my husband?" "Your husband has been informed of the situation," she said. "Your dad is in the room right next door. Your stepmom wanted to update you herself on his condition." "I understand," I told her. "Thank you for calling my husband for me." "I will send him in," she smiled, leaving the room. Marissa came in a moment later and gave me a big hug. "I'm so glad you're alright," she said. "They told us you came close to losing your leg." "So I heard," I replied. "I guess this is one time when I should thank heavens for that temporary paralysis. How's Dad?" "He's sleeping comfortably right now," she explained. "He was accidentally shot by another hunter while following a lead." "Not Dean I hope," I said. "No, no, not Dean," she assured me. "The bullet pierced his one lung. They were able to remove it with minimal damage to the lung itself. He got lucky." "I'm just glad he's ok," I smiled. "And we're all glad you're ok," she said. "I'm going back next door. Dean is with him now, but he's going to take your kids home so Sam can be with you." "Wait, he's here??" I asked. "His wife almost lost a limb," she said. "Of course he's here." "But his illness..." I started to say. "I think your illness trumps his at the moment, don't you?" she replied. "I suppose you're right," I said. "Thank you for everything. Give dad a hug for me." "I will," she smiled. "Maybe later we can see if they can wheel him over here to keep you company." "That would be awesome," I told her. She left the room and a few minutes later Sam came running up to my bed. He gave me a hug and kissed my forehead. "You gave me quite a scare, you know," he said. "I was scared myself," I told him. "One more day and I would be without a leg and in a wheelchair like my brother." "I can't believe they missed the glass shard the first time," he was a little upset. "It happens," I said. "It's not completely their fault. The machines don't always pick up on things the first time around." "How are you so calm when you almost lost a limb?" he asked. "Because I'm still alive," I smiled. "I could have lived without a leg as long as the infection didn't spread to any other part of my body." "How did you get so smart?" he smiled, giving me a kiss. "How's your dad?" "He's resting right now," I said. "Did Dean fill you in on what happened?" "He did," Sam replied. "Sounds like you both got lucky today." "And you're going to be lucky if you don't get sick again," I said. "Germs, remember?" "I'll risk it for you, babe," he replied. "Anytime, any day, anywhere." "Now I really feel like the luckiest girl in the world," I smiled. Marissa WAS able to get the staff to move my dad into the same room as me so neither of us had to be alone when our visitors had to go home for the night. We both had to stay in the hospital for about a week, so we were going to start the new year off incapacitated, but we all had hope that 2016 would be a decent year for all of us despite what we left behind in 2015.

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