Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter 26: Back in the Game

Yoko sat idly in the entrance to one of the old buildings, talking to Kat and Donovan.

"So.. What now?" Donovan asked.

"Shouldn't we find the others?" Kat suggested. "You guys came from an academy, shouldn't the other two be at the other academies?"

"It's not that simple," Yoko retorted. "There's no guarantee that they're there, or that they know who they are yet." Yoko sighed.

"Weren't there supposed to be more in your group than you and that guy who keeps disappearing?" Logan asked, sitting on the outskirts of the group.

"You mean Corvus?" Yoko asked. "He's just doing his job. He's keeping us safe by watching the area."

"That's not what I'm talking about.. I mean he and his Dragon are just so hard to see, I never know where they are," Logan said quietly.

Logan looked around, hoping to spot the two, and he did. Inside a large doorway several houses down stood a dark-skinned male, wearing deep brown armor the color of his Dragon. In darkness, he and his Dragon, Crypt, seemed nearly invisible.

He returned his attention to the group just in time to hear "then let's go, why wait?"

"Whoah go where?" Logan demanded.

"We're going to go to Osyra, on the outskirts of the lands. If that's where that fighter from before came from, then that's where we have to go," Donovan said.

Donovan surveyed the area; there were less people than he imagined. Damian and Rosana couldn't come, Yoko never said why. All in all, the group was five members. He, Kat, Logan, Yoko, and Corvus. Well, ten counting dragons.

"Well, we should get moving," Kat said.

"Do we have to go Donny?" Vitality asked. "I really don't feel like flying today."

"Whahh, Whahh. I love you Vit, but you complain a lot," Donovan teased. "I wonder if I can trade you in for the newer model."

"Well you're stuck with me so ha-ha," Vitality teased back.

Kat rose from her feet, relaying the plans to Resolution. She packed up the few things she had with her and slid onto Resolution's back. He saw the other's had done the same.

Vitality and Sheer stood next to each other proudly, their riders lost in conversation. "Worthy of a painting," thought Kat.

She watched as Vitality took off, Sheer close behind. Crypt and Clap too began floating behind them; Kat took off last.

The group headed quickly towards Osyra, the only location that held a clue of what to do.

<<A/N I'm back. IPod was stolen and I couldn't afford a new one for a while.. Then when I got it back, the story chapters were missing and I was too lazy to rewrite it all. This is to get me "Back in the game" and I hope you all forgive me.>>

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