Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter 19: Experiences lead to Discovery

Brandi leapt forward. The fight had begun.

Donovan dodged left, Brandi's sword came slicing down through the air at the spot Donovan previously stood.

"If I hadn't moved, I'd have died!" he thought to Vitality.

"Right side! Sword up!" he heard in his head.

Donovan did as he was told, instinctively. Singe came and and deflected the blade being swung at him.

"Attack," Vitality said.

Donovan took no time to think, but rushes into a flurry of wild, careless swings. Brandi dodged or blocked every swing, swipe, and stab.

"Hit the deck."

Donovan listened to Vitality. He ducked down, and hugged the ground. Brandi's sword swung where his head was before. If he hasn't moved, he would have lost his head. He jumped back up.

"Vit! We need her to drop the sword!" he yelled to Vitality in his mind. "I can't keep this up for ever!"

"Use your fire. You ARE a legend, aren't you?" he said back in a derogatory way.

"Not the time, Vit."

"Left." Donovan blocked left and rolled to the right.

"Just use the fire on her sword."

"I can't, I can't Vit. I can't control it. It just happens," Donovan thought.


Donovan blocked right and took a step back.

"Vit, she's gunna kill me!"

"Then use your fire!"

"I CAN'T! Vit!"

"Don't think about it. Just do it. Step back."

Donovan leapt back as Brandi stabbed forward. Her sword was perfectly sharpened, but didn't pierce Donovan's armor.


Donovan leapt to the offensive. He stabbed at Brandi, who twisted around to the her left to avoid the sword. Donovan swung right after her, and grazed her hair, cutting it unevenly. On Brandi's left side, her hair was cut to her shoulders, while on the right it went down to her midsection.

"You- You cut my hair!" she yelled out, pausing her attacks.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean-" Donovan tried to say.

Brandi swung her sword at maximum velocity at him, fast and strong enough to slice an aged tree down.

Donovan backed up, but it wasn't far enough. Brandi's sword sliced clean through his armor and cut into his abdomen. "Donny!" yelled Vit, feeling his pain.

Donovan fell to the ground. "I. Will. Not. Give. In," he thought.

Brandi put her sword to his throat. "Admit defeat," she said.

Time seemed to pause, everything began to move in slow motion to Donovan. He felt a warmth rising inside him, spreading outwards. His mind wandered to questions he had been pondering from the beginning. "Why me? Why am I a legend? What are these weird powers I have? Can I control them? Where does Infernus come from? Where does my fighting skills come from? I was never this good before. What happened?"

And in this paused time, Vitality answered him. "Donny. You are a legend because you are, it was your fate. We do not change the way we are born, we can only change what is to come. And being a legend comes with certain perks, you are just discovering them. It is not your job to question them, only to interpret their usefulness."

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