Chapter 51

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"TONIGHT! TONIGHT! THERE'S A PART ON THE ROOF TOP, TOP OF THE WORLD!!" Jess sang loudly the next school day. To be honest, all of the days are blurring together. Yesterday I got a call from Judge Harrison that my mother was contacted, and that she was flying in from Colorado, to 'collect' me. What a horrid word choice, like I was some sort of object. It was so degrading. I had not told Nate yet. Firstly, because I don't want to see his reaction; secondly, because I haven't simply been talking to him.

"Can you believe it? Tonight! Spring Formal! We are going to look like sexy bit..." she trailed off as I gave her a stern look. "I bizzknuckles!"

I glanced at her and laughed. Something I haven't done in quite a while. I wasn't talking too much either. It wasn't as if I stopped talking to everyone. I talked and everything, but mostly, I just didn't have anything to say.

I was happy with my dress decision, and my hair style, but I still haven't found shoes, but Jess was determined to find me some after school today, so I wasn't all that worried. "I have to admit, I'm nervous and excited about Formal tonight. I mean, what if Nate's embarrassed to be seen with me? What if he thinks I'm ugly or..." I was cut off as I heard my name being yelled quite obnoxiously from somewhere behind me.

I turned around and saw Jared and Brett holding a box with a big teal ribbon on it. "Sam! Oh my dear sweet Lord! We missed you so much!" I gave them both a look. "Well I mean, aha, 4th period was so long ago and everything," Jared looked at me sheepishly.

I laughed and then wrapped both my arms around the two goofs. "So! We went off campus and bought you this Sammy!" Brett exclaimed as he shoved a gift into my arms. I smiled and got ridiculous excited. I didn't utter a word as I tore that thing OPEN. Literally, I went nuts. Inside were the most perfect sparkly heels. I was almost to tears. They were perfect for my dress! I was uncontrollably excited. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!" I jumped up and down. Holy crap I was excited. They were tall, but I would risk breaking my face in order to wear them.

Tonight...I was at Jessie's house, getting ready for the Spring Formal. It was in the biggest hotel in the city, The Renaissance Hotel. John and Nate were supposed to meet us here. I was so unbelievably nervous. I wanted to puke. Most of my bruises had faded. Except for a few on my legs and my ribs were still unbelievingly bruised. My face was clear though, surprisingly. It was7: 25. The boys would be here soon. I was ready, I was so ready.

You can do this. You can do this. You can do this.

Would you SHUT UP already? You sound like you're getting married or something! It's only Spring Formal, and you look super beautiful!


Wow. Thanks, for finally showing your ugly little...voice. Yeah. I can't help it okay? Just really nervous okay?


I looked at my reflection. My hair was done in a great updo, a classic burlesque curly loose updo. My ivory dress was strapless with a corset like top that made my boobs stick out even more, and hugged my tiny waist, and flared out like a tone-down princess gown. It had red accented material around the waist and red arabesque details around that area. It was lovely. I slipped on my red sparkly shoes with cheap diamonds on them, but it didn't matter. People weren't going to see my feet anyways. I was excited.

I looked at Jess. She was beautiful! She was wearing a light blue dress with cutouts on each side of her waist showing off her tanned beautiful skin. I was jealous. I wish I looked as beautiful and alluring as her. I looked like a giant puffball, which was bleeding from a sword wound to the side. Yep. I wasn't going to the dance.

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