Chapter 47

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I shot outta bed when I heard my alarm playing the song Phenomenon by Thousand Foot Krunch and realized that in doing so, I managed to fall doing a perfect pile driver into my floor.

I groaned feeling previous bruises being attacked by pain. I heard Yuki bark happily and then lick my face covering me in dog drool.

“Agh! Yuki! Down girl! Stop!” I tried to command in between laughs. I failed.

Finally she stopped and I headed for the bathroom, doing my usual routine, except I found cover-up and put it over the bruises on my face. It was actually chilly today so I pulled on a tank with a white glittery feather on it, some ripped jeans, and a jacket. I slipped on my studded converse and walked out the door.

The rest of the day was…well…for lack of a better word…strange. Nate insisted that he take me to school, and also INSISTED that he walk around with me to all my classes AND sit by me at lunch.

It was kinda weird, since he was acting like we were dating. Love the thought. IGNORING YOU!! Another thing that made this day strange was the fact that people kept looking at me with pity. Pity because somehow, they all knew what happened. They all knew how much of a douche and asshole Kale was. Somehow, they knew.

Still, while others pitied me, some look at me admiringly. A girl from my Calculus class actually said she thought I was very brave and it took a lot of guts to come back to school so soon. I smiled weakly and simply said ‘thank you.’

Nobody really said anything to me, except to say that they thought I was brave for coming back, and that Kale was a douche. But other than that, it was kinda normal in a way. By the time 4th period came around, I wasn’t as tense or as awkward as before. It was kinda relieving in a way.

Then, finally, at the end of the day, I stepped through the main doors and took a breath of fresh air. It wasn’t as difficult as I imagined it was going to be. At least, Nate made it easier for me, by being around me all the time, warding off any negative comments someone might have to say, and making sure no guy touched me, or even whistled or winked at me.

Now THAT was refreshing.

I felt Nate come up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder. I only knew it was Nate because of his scent. Yes, I know it sounds stupid and creepy, but he has an amazing natural scent and I love it. He sighed deeply and then said, “You okay Sam?”

I nodded and then turned around to look at him. I made the mistake of looking straight deep into his eyes, and therefore got lost. He only stared right back. I couldn’t concentrate on anything else except for the swirling colors of his gorgeous eyes.

Then, before I knew it, I was leaning forward, and so was he.

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