Chapter 45

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Nate’s POV

I laid with Sam in my arms comfortably. The way it should be, from now on. It’s getting super difficult to stay away from her, especially after what happened. I clenched my jaw at the mere remembrance of it, how much I want that ass-munch to die in hell. I can’t control my anger when it comes to Kale. Let him and I step outside, we shall see how long it takes me to kick the living piss out of him. What? One, maybe two, three minutes? 45 seconds?

But back there, in his god forsaken death trap of a house, my rage was mixed with pure and utter fear. Fear of losing Sam, the person my heart yearned for, the person that made my breathing speed up and stop at the same time, the person that drove my senses wild. Wow, am I turning into a hopeless romantic or what? No, I won't do that. My heart will just have to shut it for now.

I still afraid for Sam though. Going through what she has been through, is very traumatic, and most people have years of therapy to get over it. Sam’s taking it fine so far. Although I know she tries to hide it, she is still quite shaken up over it. I know that she will have nightmares soon, if she doesn’t have them right now.

The best I can do is to be there for her. And that’s what I’m gonna do. No matter what.  

Sam began to whimper in her sleep, automatically clutching me as if she knew I was still there. It hurt to think about the nightmares she was most likely having. I didn’t think about what I was doing before I leaned in softly to kiss her forehead. She instantly quieted and went back to sleep. Now that was beyond strange. Not only could I calm her by doing that but... I liked it, okay, I more than just liked it, I loved it. I loved kissing her forehead and having her feel safe. I loved how she nestled into me at the thought of danger.

I was getting pretty tired too so I gently lifted her to one side of the bed and laid her down on one side. Her hands began searching beside her as soon as I put her down. Smiling softly I laid down close enough so that her fingertips just barely touched my bare chest. She wasn’t going to stand for that space though.

She squeaked, almost angrily and scooted so her face was nuzzled into me. Sam sighed once more before drifting farther asleep. I couldn’t help from chuckling a little; she was doing this all in her sleep. Still, I couldn’t just ignore the feeling when her fingers brushed across my skin, and sent shivers everywhere. I couldn’t just ignore the feeling in my stomach when she nuzzled into me. I couldn’t ignore the thoughts swimming in my head of her, and how beautiful she looked when she was lying next to me, in my arms.

Damn my feelings. They always confuse me.

They do not! You love Sam. Plain and simple.

You shut it! When I want your advice, I’ll ask for it.

That’s the thing about have a conscious, we put in our two cents, even if it’s not asked for.

Whatever, I'm trying to sleep.

Fine, sleep, and dream about Sam.

I cursed my conscious repeatedly even though it was true. I was most likely going to dream about Sam, just like every other night.

Sam’s POV

I was dreaming about the day when Brett came over with Jared to help me get ready for the party. I remembered how good Nate looked and the looks he gave me. I mean, why did I dream about him? Then I thought about when Brett looked over me after the party and how scared I was of my dad finding out about Brett. Then my mind wandered to Kale. I shivered and screamed in my mind when I saw his menacing face staring at me evilly.  

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