Chapter 14

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Sam's POV

I ran all the way to my house trying to wipe my tears away as fast as possible and hoping to hide what I had been crying about.

I opened the door and was instantly engulfed in hugs once again. I was squeezed tightly by Brett and once he put me down and saw my tear stained face his handsome features softened.

"Sammy, baby, what's wrong?!" Brett asked. I laughed and wiped my eyes and trying to get the smeared and runny eyeliner off my face. I didn't answer him for as soon as I opened my mouth, Jared emerged from my kitchen holding a spatula.

"Brett! You have to finish! I'm stupid when it comes to coo- . . ." Jared trailed off once he saw me and the smile quickly faded from his face.

"Sam! What's wrong?!" he gasped out.

I laughed and hugged Jared like I have known him forever and he was my best friend. "Its- its nothing. You guys I'm fine."

I dropped my clothes on the floor and ran up to my room and flopped down on the bed. I could hear Jared and Brett talking about me as I ran up the steps though.

I buried my face into my fluffy pillow and took a deep breath.

I will not, let, Nate, get to me!

I cannot! I have to be losing my mind!

OMG!! I'm going insane!!

Then, with out thinking, I let out a loud cry/shout into my pillow while thrashing about violently on my bed.

Yep, I was definitely losing my mind.


There! I think that should do the trick!

I sat up and walked to my ipod that was plugged into my stereo and was sitting on my dresser. As I walked over to it, my eyes flew out the window and I saw Kelly ripped off her clothes and then tear Nate's shirt off before I had to look away.

Okay . . . maybe that DIDN'T do the trick. I need heavy duty equipment!

I ran downstairs and into the kitchen, on my hunt for my two favorite men in the world: Ben and Jerry!!

I was met by Jared and Brett who had concerned looks on their faces.

"What?" I asked innocently.

I went to my fridge and pulled out chocolate chip cookie dough out and sat on the island before opening it.

I was about to stick my spoon in the delicious freezing ass cold ice cream when I looked up and saw Jared and Brett staring at me mischievously.

"What?" I asked a second time.

Suddenly Jared shouted, "NOW!"

Next thing I knew, Brett had lunged at me and Jared had pried my precious ice cream from my grip while Brett was holding me down. I struggled and tried to get outta his grip, but this guy! He must've worked out every single goddamn day!! His grip was like DEATH!!

Finally Brett let go and stood by Jared who held my ice cream carton tightly, "Sam, you cannot have your ice cream until you tell why you were crying!"

I huffed and then shouted, "I'm on my period and I'm having mood swings! Can I please have my ice cream back now?"

Jared and Brett shook their head vigorously and then Brett spoke up, "Sam? Why do you lie to us? I can tell when you're lying. You tend to play with the ring on your finger when you do. Plus, even Jared here could tell that you don't like to lie!! Come on!! Seriously now!!"

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