Chapter 8

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After I went pee, I walked out of the bathroom and into his room. It was the first time I noticed his blankets, and his bed. He had Batman blankets!!!


I picked them up off the floor and then set them on his bed. I walked out of his house and managed to find the stairs. I heard music playing as I descended the stairs, and turned the corner to find the kitchen.

I almost died of laughter.

I saw Nate, holding a package of cookie mix trying to read the box, or so it looked.

When I couldn’t hold in my laughter, Nate turned around sheepishly. I smiled and then walked over to him.

“What?! Like you can cook them better than me . . .” he insinuated.

I smirked and took the box from his hands, “Actually, I can.”

I set the box on the counter and realized that there was a lot in the box and decided on a bigger bowl. After opening about all of the cabinets, I finally found a stupid glass bowl big enough.

I thought that, since Nate didn’t know how to cook cookies, I would experiment and try to whip the cookie dough. I took out the beater and first read the box to see if I could still put cookies on the cookie sheet. It said: YES!!!!!!!!!!

I smiled to myself and asked Nate,

“Where’s the beater?”

He just stared at me confused and then opened his mouth to try and attempt to answer my question. I stopped him.

I couldn’t let him make a bigger fool outta himself. “Never mind. I’ll find it myself.” Then after about a minute or two, I found the beater and turned it on. 

Nate, there, watching me, decided that he wanted to help me. While I was using the beater, he suddenly shouted out, “Hey! That’s cool, le’me try it!”

Then before I knew it, he had wrapped his hands around my own and tried to pry the beater from my hands.

“Nate! NO! Wait!” I shouted frantically. But, sadly I was too late. He had tipped the bowl and started to whip the almost soup dough out at us, drenching us in gooey, yummy- I guess you could call it batter . . . I mean it wasn’t much of a dough anymore.

He was trying to keep the thing steady while I tried to find the off button. But, instead I managed to push the knob, sending it into high speed. Now, on supreme whip, batter was flung on us, and onto the cabinets and onto the stove.

Finally, I gave up trying to click the off switch and yanked the cord out of the wall. Slowly the beater came to a complete stop and we both looked at each other.


We stared at each other. He was covered in batter and chocolate chips. I was probably more covered. I could feel the batter in my hair and on my lips and cheeks and neck and shirt and fingers and . . . well everywhere!

Suddenly, we both cracked up laughing. I have no idea why, it’s just we began to laugh.

Maybe it was because of the way we looked, maybe it was because of how the batter was all over the place, or maybe perhaps, it was because I couldn’t find a way to shut the thing off, and turned it on high speed. Whatever the reason, it was hilarious, and we laughed hysterically.

When I stopped laughing, finally got the courage to look down at myself and gasped, “Holy Lord!”

“I have dough everywhere!”

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