Chapter 20

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He came closer to me and with every step he took, my world crushed into many different little pieces. His smug, menacing face, glared at me and I couldn’t help but shake in fear. He was about a foot away from me, and my body wouldn’t listen to me when I told it to stop shaking and RUN.

Kale waltzed up to me and held me tightly in his cold arms, he brought his face close to mine and then whispered nonchalantly,

“Sam, baby, this isn’t even close to being over. You think that just because Nate saved that one time, that he’ll save you all the other times? Think again love. I will have you . . . whether you want it or not! Mark my words! I’m get to you by hurting your world!”

I screamed as I saw a knife in his hand, and worst of all the, physco-maniac look that was in his eyes. I didn’t dare to breathe as I saw his hand slam down towards me with the knife, ready to plunge into me.

I screamed bloody murder and tossed and turned falling off my bed taking the covers with me. I forced my eyes awake and rubbed them furiously, trying to see everything around me. I was scared beyond belief and I knew that I couldn’t go to sleep again even if I wanted.

I was shaking and cradling my body close to me as I rocked back and forth on my floor. I was crying and didn’t notice until I felt the tear drop fall on my hand.


I knew what I needed, and I also knew that I couldn’t get it, no matter how much I needed him, I could bring myself to go over there, in the dark, and ask him to hold me and keep me safe.

“Okay, resort to Plan B,” I told myself whilst scrambling over my bed and racing downstairs. I threw the light switch on and opened the refrigerator and grabbed the strawberry cheesecake. I cut myself a slice and brought it up to my room.

I wiped the dried tears away and turned on my TV, I flicked it to Disney Channel and it was Toon-Disney and Jackie Chan cartoon show was on.

I smiled to myself and ate my cheesecake peacefully, and before long, I was asleep, not daring to dream about anything.

*end of spring break* (about a week skip)

Jared, Brett, and I were in the kitchen trying our hardest to make oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Well, they were trying, I, on the other hand, was doing a pretty fantastic job!

“No fair! Sam knows how to do all this! She’s cheating!!” complained Jared.

I merely laughed and then took some batter with my fingers and licked it off,

“You should’ve been there the last time I tried to make cookies! The dough turned out great! It’s just, it was also everywhere! On the floor, on the cabinets, on the counters, in the sink, splattered on the windows, EVERYWHERE!!”

“Yeah, honey, we know! We know! You made them with Nate!” laughed Brett.

I blushed remembering how good he felt on me, but quickly pushed the retarded thoughts away. Nate?! Like ME?!?!?! Of all people?!?!

Hahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahaahhahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahehehhehehehehehehehhehehheehhehehehehehehehheheheheehhehehehehehhe . . .

I think you get the point . . .

Besides, he’s got a pretty girlfriend! Hot?! Yes. Nice, funny, smart, sweet, kind??!! That would be a big fat, NO!!!

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