Chapter 26

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This is Riley, the other twin in the side bar....


Sam’s POV

After I climbed in my car, I sped away, going way above the required speed. I was going about 65 mph, I wanted to go faster, but it still wasn’t safe around here.

I groaned and then spotted a car garage, Big O Tires. I smiled to myself and pulled into the parking lot.

I saw a ‘Help Wanted’ sign and was cheering in my head. Perfect! I climbed out and walked up to a black haired guy. He was about 25 and was actually pretty good looking. He had black hair and pale skin, but his fringe that hung in his face was pretty damn cute.

I smiled warmly and then got straight to the point.

“Hey, I’ve come to fill your empty spot. I want the job.”

The guy looked up at me surprised and then broke into laughter. “Hey Brian! This chick wants to take Hunter’s spot!”

I heard a voice from under a nice 1979 Oldsmobile, “What?! A chick?”

I watched as another hot guy slid out from under the car. He had sandy brown hair and pretty blue eyes. Nate was hotter than them by far.

HOLD UP!! Did I really just say that?!

Uh, yes?


But, it’s the truth honey!

I still am not going to admit it!

Fine fine, but the longer you deny your feelings the more it will hurt.

What did you major in, physcology or something?

No, because that would mean that you did too . . .

I think I’m going to file for a new conscious . . . you’re just too mean.

Ooo, ‘mean’ that really hurts!

Shut up you!

“I said, ‘Do you know anything about cars babe?’” Brian asked.

I immediately snapped back into reality and smiled, “Hell yeah. My dad used work on cars when I was young. He taught me everything he knows.”

They smiled at each other and then Brian, obviously the boss, said after giving me a good look over, “Naw, I don’t think so honey. You might be too much of a distraction to the customers. Besides I don’t even know if you can actually fix cars!”

“Wait a second here Brian. Maybe this chick will bring more business. With her slammin’ body and all,” the other guy put in.

I growled and glared at the black haired guy.

He laughed and then stared at me interestedly, “Did you just growl? Wow, I like this girl, Brian.”

I continued to glare and then Brian glanced at the guy like he was retarded, “Shut the fuck up Jordan.”

THAT WAS HIS NAME!!! Finally! I couldn’t stand calling him black haired guy.

Brian turned to me and then seemed to be having a mental battle with himself. Idiot.

Hey! You do that too!

Shut up! I do not!

*thinks a moment* shut up!

“Okay, lets see here, babe. Can you give an oil change?” Brian asked.

I smirked and then replied with the same tone he spoke to me in, “Of course.”

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