Chapter 15

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Nate quickly moved away and crossed around to the passenger door, while I opened up my driver’s door. I saw Jared sitting in the passenger seat and he told Nate, “Sorry pal! You snooze you lose! Well in this case you hang out you miss out!”

I heard Nate growl and then reluctantly got into the back seat with Brett. “Don’t go and get me gay now you here?!” I heard Nate mutter under his breath as I started my baby.

I gasped and then coughed trying to hold in my excitement. “You’re gay, Brett?”

He laughed nervously, and then nodded shyly while putting his hand behind his head, “Yea?”

I jumped in my seat in over excitement, and then replied while turning around and backing out of the driveway, “That’s so fucking awesome! We can be like best friends! Oh, please? Please? Please?”

He laughed and snorted saying, “Geeze! I thought you were gonna label me as an outcast!”

We had been driving down the road and as soon as he said that I slammed on the brakes. “What?! How can you think that?! Do I look like the kinda person to do that, Brett?”

He put his hands up in surrender and shook his head and replied smiling, “Just saying. But I thought I was already your friend!”

“You were! Now you’re my BEST friend!” I answered laughing and keeping my eyes on the road.

I looked at the speed limit sign and it read: 40mph. I looked down at my speedometer and it read: 68 mph.

I smirked at myself and pressed the gas a little harder swiftly turning around the corner and pulling out onto the 38 Palms Highway cutting some guy in a mustang off.

I smiled and I heard Brett in the back seat gasp and mutter something under his breath.

“What was that Brett?” I asked leaning back in my car and still going the same speed.

He wasted no time in telling me what he said in a hurry, “I-sad-that-you’re-driving-like-a-mad-person-just-like-Nate!”

I was silent, and suddenly I couldn’t help but to crack up laughing. “Ha-ha! I drive like Nate?!”

I saw Brett nod from the back seat.

As we neared the ice cream shop, Jared rolled down the car window and whistled at some girls walking down the street. They smiled and winked and laughed at him while we zipped past.

His head still out the window, I decided to make a little joke and slickly moved my hand over to the controls and rolled up his window. When Jared realized what was going on he screamed, “What the hell?!! Ahh!!!!!!!”

I laughed and heard Nate and Brett cracking up back there, but I rolled down his window.

He slipped his head back in as I pulled up into the ice cream shop’s parking lot. I turned off the engine and caught the nasty glare that Jared was shooting me.

“What?!” I gasped innocently putting a hand over my heart and looking hurt. “You can’t possibly think that it was me, can you?”

He said nothing and simply glared at me. I got his drift and leaned over the middle counsel and placed a small kiss on his cheek, “I’m sorry Jared. Come on, I’ll buy you ice cream! Please, don’t be mad!”

Once, I placed that kiss on his cheek his face softened and then brightened. “Whoo!!! I got a kiss from a sexy goddess!!” Jared jumped out of my baby and ran through the lot and into the shop screaming that.

I laughed while blushing every time he called me a ‘sexy goddess’ and I thought I heard Nate growling behind me, but I could’ve been imagining things.

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