Chapter 18

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Nate’s POV

I walked back into my house dripping wet, wondering why the fuck I had acted like such a fuckin asshole to her. She didn’t deserve anything I had said to her, but it was the only way to keep her away from me.

Do you really want that?

What? Of course I do!

You’re . . . LYING!!

Am not!

Are too! You want her and you know it!

Do not! Watch me deny anything and everything you say . . . DENY DENY DENY!!!!!!

You, are, the, dumbest, person, I, know.

I ignored my conscious and trudged up to my room, I looked into the room out the window, and it was dark inside.

Is Sam, okay?

She’s fine! I must believe it!

I turned on the light and walked into the bathroom. I pulled my shirt over my head and washed my face. My chest was rising up and down and I realized that I was breathing super hard.

I heard a faint scream and I my senses instantly perked up.

I listened carefully and I didn’t hear it again. Must’ve been my imagination, I know it!

I walked outta my room and I heard the scream louder this time, and I heard exactly what was being screamed, “Nate! Help! Please!”

My head jerked to the window and I saw a dark head crouching by the window, and I dark figure standing above the smaller one. The dark figure raised his hand and I saw it slap the other one.

The smaller I instantly recognized as Sam! I felt a pang of fear as it twisted in my stomach. Oh, no.

Then I saw as Sam tried to get up and run to the door, but the other figure pulled her back by her hair and fling her to the ground.

I caught a glimpse of half of the stranger’s face and instantly recognized it as Kale.

Oh, fuck no!

I tore outta my room, shouting and screaming, “SAM!!! FUCK SAM!!!!”

I ran at incredible speed across my lawn, not even bothering to notice the fact that I was getting drenched! I pushed open Sam’s door and sped my way up the stairs. I found her room and tried to open it. I pushed on it as hard as I could and the door still wouldn’t budge.


Inside her room, I could here the desperate screams coming from Sam, and every time she screamed it rang through my heart and I died each time. It hurt like hell knowing that she was in pain, being tortured and I couldn't do a damn thing about it!!

I began pounding with my fists and screaming as loud as I could, “Sam! Sam! No! Sam, no!”

I heard Kale shout to her, “Shut up and stop resisting bitch!” Then I heard a loud slap! and then silence.

Oh no. No, SAM!

“SAM?!?!?!?! Sam!? Can you hear me?! Please God Sam!” I yelled into the wood of the door whilst pounding on it with all my might.

“Shut the fuck up Nate, and leave me to my virgin!” I heard Kale spit at me through the door.

My blood boiled and curdled at the thought of Kale being . . . inside . . . Sam, an innocent angel.    

“Kale! You fucking piece of shit piss! Don’t you touch her or I’ll rip your balls off and shove them so far up your ass that you’ll sneeze and they’ll come out through your nose!”

I heard him snort and then go back to whatever he was doing. I heard the whimpers of Sam and suddenly she screamed and pleaded, “Nate! Please, Nate! Help me! Please! Kale, GET OFF!! Stop it!”

I took a deep breath and backed up.

Hold, on babe. Hold on . . .

I then used all my muscle and kicked the door open breaking the lock that was on it. I found Kale on top of Sam with just his boxers on. She was shaking uncontrollably beneath him and his hand traveled slowly up her thigh and rested in between her legs, trying to get through her underwear.

I was outraged and furious inside. I saw the scared, empty, and worst of all, hopeless expression on Sam’s face and I lost it.

I was on top of Kale within seconds, punching him and beating him into the floor. I had no sense of control whatsoever, that is, until I heard a soft, yet pleading voice say, “Nate, stop! You’re going to kill him!”

It was then, that I released and was immediately at Sam’s side. Her underwear still intact and on her body, and for that I was thankful . . . he did not rape her.

She looked at me and I could only stare back into her now, hope filled brown sparkling eyes. She tried to smile but couldn’t, and it hurt to know that the girl who always had a smile, couldn’t smile.

I couldn’t hide my pained expression as I unbound her wrists from the belt and cradled her against my chest, slowly rocking her back and forth.

“It’s okay, Sam. I’m here, everything’s going to be okay. I promise,” I whispered into her ear. She gripped onto me tighter and finally let out a prolonged breath.

“Nate . . . you came. I d-d-didn’t think you were going to come. H-h-h-h-he t-tried to . . . he tried to . . . I thought that . . . I was scared, and you came,” she choked out.

She looked up at me and I stared down at her, and somehow, she looked beautiful, even with the puffy nose and eyes. “Thank you, Nate.”

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