Chapter 24

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Brycen is the guy on the side bar....yeah he looks old, but use your imagination for this story lol


After I went to Government, my fourth period, I walked to my fifth period which was Advanced Band with a teacher named, Mr. Hovy. Freak name. Anyways I burst through the door just as the bell rang and all the heads in the room turned and looked at me.

Hahaha . . . at least, they would’ve if they all weren’t crowed around a certain table. I walked towards the teacher sitting on a stool near the front of the room and told him that I was new here. He smiled and then replied,

“Alright class! We have a new student here, and she will introduce herself!”

Suddenly, all the students flocked away from the table to reveal Nate! With a freaking acoustic guitar in his hands! A Martin DX1 Dreadnought Acoustic Guitar to be exact.

I mean, of course out of all the periods of Advanced Band he had to be in my period.

Nate smirked at me and winked before sitting down at his table and putting his guitar beside him.

I groaned internally and that’s when I came to realized that everyone was staring at me expectantly, was there something I was supposed to say or do? Oh Yeah!

“Um, hi, I’m Sam Lund, I’m from Colorado,” I said awkwardly.

I saw some guys near the back smirk and then wolf whistle. That seemed to be happening a lot today, did it have something to do with this outfit?

Never mind, this outfit kicked ass, I loved it, even if I didn’t pick it out.

“Okay, Sam, since you just started here you will need to audition in order to be able to be in the class. So would someone like to show her how good she needs to be?” Mr. Hovy asked.

Jerk. I kick ass and I need someone to show me how it’s done? Puh-leeeze. . .

I saw a hand shoot up as soon as the words were out of his mouth. I looked to see who exactly the arm belonged to and I prayed to God that he would choose someone else, but sadly, no one raised their hands.

Great . . . “Nate Vernon, thank you for volunteering! Please take a spot on the stage,” Mr. Hovy thanked.

Yeah Nate thanks a bunch.

I sighed as I took my spot next to Nate’s table and watched as he grabbed his guitar and sat down on a stool.

He took a deep breath and began to play Yours to Hold-Skillet another of my favorite songs:

See you standing here

But you're so far away

Starving for your attention

You don't even know my name


You're going through so much

But I know that I could be the one to hold you


Every single day

I find it hard to say

I could be yours alone

You will see someday

That all along the way

I was yours to hold

I was yours to hold

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