Chapter 9

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Nate and I had just begun to work when I heard Chevelle on the radio. It was Send the Pain Below and I turned it up. I glanced over at Nate who was bobbing his head while wiping the counter and mouthing the words. . . . Wait? Mouthing the words?

I could control myself when I leaped onto his back and hugged tightly from behind. Surprisingly, he caught me and laughed while shouting back to me through the music, “Well, I'm not sure about you coming from behind . . . but, whatever.”

I ignored him and wriggled myself down from his back, “You know Chevelle?!”

He smirked and then laughed, “Yeah . . . why?”

I smiled wider and then he laughed at my grinning like a complete idiot, but hey! Whatever! “Chevelle is like one of my favorite bands!”

“Yeah, I found out about them a year ago and liked ‘em, so I decided that I’d give ‘em a try,” he replied smiling back at me.

I laughed and finished wiping the cabinets. I then couldn’t help myself and began singing out loud:

But long before, having hurt,

I'd send the pain below,

I'd send the pain below.


Much like suffocating,

Much like suffocating,

Much like suffocating,

(I'd send the pain below...)

Much like suffocating,

(I'd send the pain below...)


I then heard Nate singing and turn towards him, he was staring at me, but in a way that one would look at their best friend. I loved it.

I began to sing and hop around.

I was having so much fun . . . then the song ended.

“That was AWESOME!!!” I said raising my fists into the air smiling idiotically.

He laughed and I continued, “I didn’t know you could sing!”

He actually turned away from my comment and for a moment I thought that he was being cute, but then he flipped his head back around and put on a sex demon look, if there is even such a thing (I really have no idea).

“Really? You think so?!” he said in a low voice while glaring at me like a piece of food.

I laughed and then decided no to rain on his parade or anything, “Hell yeah!!”

He laughed and then actually blushed slightly when he realized that I was serious. Aww . . . . It was so adorable!!

He smiled back at me and while I threw the dirty rag into the laundry bin in the laundry room, I heard him comment me, “Girl, you have a sick voice of your own!! Where did you learn to sing like that?”

I grinned sheepishly and then replied not meeting his gaze, “The shower.”

He laughed hysterically and then replied, “No really, where?”

I looked at him seriously, “Really, the shower. I never had a lesson in my life, I just, I dunno, sung in the shower. I honestly don’t think that I’m that good.”

He gave me a goofy smile and then put on a British accent, “Pish-posh I won’t be hearing any of that now guvna!”

I laughed and then replied, “Oh how can I resist a British accent?!”

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