Chapter 34

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The next morning, when I woke up, I was greeted by something lick my face leaving behind a big trail of slobber and god knows what else.

“Ugh! Yuki! Stop!” I growled into my pillow.

Last night, before I took Yuki home, I brought home all the stuff that they bought me for her. I was so excited to finally have a dog of my dreams! A Siberian husky was one of the dogs I wanted to own, next to a German Shepard.

I yawned deeply and found that even though I set up Yuki’s dog bed, she still jumped up onto my bed. I laughed to myself and got up out of bed and went to my bathroom and quickly jumped into the shower.

I scrubbed myself with rose body wash and used Rose Garden Shampoo and Conditioner. I smelled like roses.

Wow!? Really? No shit since you used like a shit load of rose smelling stuff!

That was mean. I command you to apologize!

 . . .


Oh well, I thought to myself as I finished up. I stepped out of the shower and towel dried my hair before wrapping my body in the towel and stepping out of the steam filled bathroom.

I walked to my closet and was about to decide on what to wear until I heard my phone ringing as Famous Last Words by MCR played out of it.

I frantically searched for my phone and found it didn’t recognize the number so I answered it cautiously,


“Sam! It’s Jordan.”

I laughed and got up walking over to my closet. I searched through my stuff while Jordan talked.

“Well, I was just calling to let you know that you don’t have to go to work tomorrow and you have Friday’s off regularly now. Mostly because you are still in school and we don’t want you rushing your work to get off early to go party or something.”

I laughed and then gasped remembering, “Oh yeah. I have a party to go to on Friday.”

“Well, have fun kid. Also, you normally have the weekends off because we have a guy who works weekends so it’s no biggie, have fun again. Don’t go having sex with some random guy now, Sammy,” Jordan joked on the other line.

I was still in my towel as I found an awesome gray and black sequined shirt and black jeans.

“Jordan! I’m still a virgin for crying out loud!” I gasped, jokingly hurt.

“Oh! Wow. I didn’t think you were a virgin, but okay. See you Monday!”

Jordan hung up and I smiled at the phone briefly before slipping on a pair of underwear with two penguins hugging each other and a black bra.

Those penguin underwear got me wondering where I left my only thong with a penguin on it. I really like those underwear. Whatever, maybe I left them at Nate’s when I got my clothes.

I pulled on my tank top and black skinny jeans. Then I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and blew dry my hair and applied some glittery purple eye shadow, mascara, and eyeliner. Then I went and pulled out my belt with a kick ass buckle on it, I pulled out some black feather earrings, bangles, a black jewel ring with a snake on it and my purple ring.

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