Chapter 43

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Sam’s POV

“Please! Stop! Kale, d-don’t d-do this….” I tried to say through my trembling lips. Then, as quick as a flash, I saw Kale remove his shirt and pants. I couldn’t help the lump that formed in my throat. I wanted to thrash about and tear him up, but I couldn’t, my arms tied didn’t really give me much room.

Then, he hovered over me and lightly touched his cold, and still chapped, lips to my ear and whispered loudly, “I’m gonna fuck you so hard. I’m gonna fuck you till you bleed!”

Tears fell more freely as I began to plead and scream for him to stop and let me go. I didn’t want to die this way. I wanted to die in the arms of the one I loved while we both did the thing we loved the most.

My mind automatically flashed to Nate. Wait, automatically?

Suddenly, Kale’s hands gripped the tank top I was wearing and ripped it from my body. I began screaming as he touched my bare stomach and made his way up my skin. My skin began crawling, it felt like his hands were little bugs, and it made me shiver in disgust.

Kale then forced his face on mine and shoved his tongue roughly into my mouth. His mouth tasted old and like, like, weed, of some sort. All I wanted was to spit his tongue out and burn his tongue! Yeah, that’s right, he’d become a mute!

Then I felt his hands make their way down my stomach, gripping my hips for a moment, and then playing with the waist of my shorts. My breathing stopped for a moment, and then continued at a rapid pace.

I felt so weak and helpless. I couldn’t stop him in anyway, my legs were still bound and my wrists were tied. Not only did I already have bruises there, but the belt was making it worse.

Suddenly, I heard a low growl come from in the room. I tried to look up while Kale turned around and glanced questionably at his friends. They looked down at Nate and Kale sighed annoyed. “Shut it Nate! I’m gonna fuck her and you’re gonna watch. Get over it!”

Nate jerked and glared at Kale, grinding his teeth together. He was pissed. I could tell. Kale simply scoffed and then went back to me. Kissing his way over my stomach and lower.

He moaned and then groaned saying, “Fuckin tape!” Then he took his knife and cut the tape off me, tearing the tape away from my skin causing me to yelp slightly. Fuck that hurt…it was more than a little fuckin Band-Aid! Then he gripped my shorts and yanked them down to my ankles.

“No! Kale! Please! Stop it! D-Don’t!” I pleaded. He simply ignored me, but then Nate started begging too.

“Kale! Don’t! Stop it! Leave her alone, please!”

I had tears on my cheeks and after Kale yanked my shorts clean off my ankles he went to go kiss me and then stopped. “Why are you crying bitch?! Stop! You’ll make your skin all salty! STOP IT!” he roared at me.

It only made me tear up more. Then he smacked me clear across my face. It echoed through the room along with my scream. I jerked at the belt, trying to get some give. I got nothing, and only resulted in making the belt tighter around my wrists. I gritted my teeth baring the pain and disgust as Kale ran his hands over my legs.

His hands were so rough, I was almost positive that he was leaving scratch marks on my skin. I closed my eyes shut tightly and tried not to scream and cry.

I just wanted for Nate to make it out of this oka—

I suddenly felt his hands trail further up my legs and towards my crotch. I tensed and began squirming. “Stop! Kale! Please!” I pleaded, even though I knew it was useless. I tried to squeeze my legs shut but I knew it wasn’t going to stop him.

He growled at me and then forced my legs open with his knees. “No!” I protested. I tried to desperately close my legs but I couldn’t even make his knees budge.  He leaned over me and began kissing my neck.

I heard noises behind Kale, but I couldn’t look because Kale’s lips stuck to mine. I jerked underneath him and my hands jerked as an instinct to push him and then I felt the belt tug harder against my wrists and gasped in pain. This only gave Kale more access to my mouth and dove his tongue in like a fish.

 I gasped again, but this time it was because I felt his hands on my opening through my underwear. I felt new tears forming and I felt myself shaking rapidly. Kale got off my face and smirked at me, “You finally fucking enjoying yourself?”

I couldn’t answer; I was fighting back tears and trying to keep from shaking too violently. I couldn't do it. I simply had no more energy left. It was pointless to try and keep myself hoping for nothing.

I just let the tears spill out and I used my last ounce of bravado and pride to say, “Go to hell asshole!”

I cringed closing my eyes and waited for him to hit me for speaking, or crying, or doing SOMETHING!!

I heard Kale yell, “WHAT THE FUCK?!”

Oh god, I was in for it. I felt the weight lifted off me, and Kale’s skin leave mine with a grunt. I only dared to open my eyes slightly, but even that took energy I wasn’t sure I had.

I heard someone get stabbed and a cry of pain, and my eyes immediately flew open. I could only stare and let the tears roll down my face. Tears of relief and joy.

I saw Nate standing over Kale who had the knife lodged in his shoulder. His face was bloody and swollen and it looked like his nose was broken, and an eye blood vessel popped. He looked terrible.

I saw the back of Nate’s dirty t-shirt, and his back rising with every deep breath he could manage. I let my head fall back against the bed and tried to stop my shaking but that only ended up in more tears flowing down my face and all the pain come back.

I then saw Nate fling himself around and he was immediately by my side, shaking and worried. His face was cut up and his lip was bleeding and I could tell his body was sore by the way he moved.

He reached up and untied the belt from around my wrists and I could see bruises already forming and red spots. I curled my arms around myself and tried to steady my body. My muscles ached from being tensed so long and I'm sure his were too.

“Sam,” he barely breathed out. His deep, wonderful, enchanting eyes staring lovingly back into mine. I wanted to say something but when I opened my mouth, sobs just came out. He looked like he was going to break down any moment. He gathered me into his arms and took me off that wretched bed and into his safe, warm lap.

“Sam, I’m so sorry. Please god, forgive me. I didn’t mean t-to, I was just….I never wanted to hurt you. You are too…you mean too….I just need…Sam,” he whispered into my ear.

I felt so bad for him. I opened my mouth and between sobs, I managed, “Thank you Nate.”

He looked at me for a long while, before letting a tear roll down his face. I was shocked, even in my state. “Sam, I should have protected you better. This is all my fault”

I saw two more tears roll silently down his face. I wrapped my arms around him as tight as I could with out hurting him, or myself. I took a deep breath to steady my sobs and said quietly, “Nate, you s-saved me, from him, you apologized, you cried, all for me. What more can you b-blame yourself for?”

He managed a tiny smile before hugging me close to his chest and I could hear his heartbeat just go on for miles before it slowly lulled me to sleep.

I saw flashing lights beyond my black eyelids and barely managed to squint enough to see policemen. I made sure I was still in Nate’s arms. I was. And Kale was gone.

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