Chapter 28

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The guy in the side bar, is the other mechanic, Jordan.


Nate's POV

I awoke to the sound of pans and pots clattering in the kitchen, followed by yelling. I felt really warm and comfy, and strangely content. I mean for sleeping on the floor, I was really, really comfortable.

I started to gain feeling in other parts of my body and that's when I realized that my arm was tightly around somebody. My eyes shot open and I looked down.

I almost died.

Sam. She was lying there, on my naked chest, sleeping. My legs were entwined with her, and I could already feel my heart start to speed up. I tensed when she wrapped her arms around my waist tightly and smiled when she dug her head into my chest.

She was so cute.

I finally let my breath out and laid my head back on to my pillow, watching her sleep.

She had the softest, clearest, most beautiful face I have ever seen. Her skin was so soft and silky, it made me want to stroke every single inch of it.

Her lips were so soft, pink, and full. I wanted to kiss her so badly.

I remembered last night and softly clenched a fist.

When I saw Sam kissing Brett, every inch of body was filing with jealousy. She shouldn't have kissed him. I had to calm myself down by remembering that he was gay and wouldn't ever think of her that way anyway.

I let out a breath and slowly unclenched my fist.

Suddenly, I heard another clash come from the kitchen followed by a loud "What the fuck Brett?"

I smiled, and tried not to laugh at them.

Then, Sam moaned slightly and I bit my lip softly to keep myself from getting turned on, or at least, noticeably turned on.

She stirred slightly and I tightened my grip on her waist, not wanting her to leave. Wanting her to stay right there, in that moment, with her. How it should be. 


I don't mean that!!!

I have Kelly and that's all I need.

But, Sam—

No butts! Conscious!! I have a girlfriend. I have to stay loyal to her!

But, she's so damn cute!

She blinked a couple of times and then ran her soft hand down the front of my chest giving me goosebumps. Crap.

She looked up into my eyes and I couldn't help but to be captivated by them. They were the prettiest, deepest shade of brown that there was. It was so intense that they literally sparkled.

I smiled to myself, and Sam must've thought that I was smiling to her cause she gasped and tried to pull away. I only pulled her closer.

"Nate! What are you doing? Let go," she said.

I smirked and then rolled on top of her, God! Her body was like clay against mine. She fit perfectly into every inch and curve of my own body.

She breathed in sharply and then scanned me over quickly. A slight blush rose to her cheeks when her eyes landed on my chest. I smirked and then replied cockily, "Like what you see?"

She blushed harder and . . . and . . . and it was so adorable!

No! Bad! Bad, Nate! Bad!

She wiggled underneath me and groaned when she realized that she wasn't going anywhere.

"Please, get off me Nate?" she asked as sweetly as she could.

Not, a, chance.

"Not a chance, darling."

She did a double take on my eyes and then closed her eyes and turned away.

Um, why was she avoiding my eyes?

So, my curiosity got the best of me.

"Why don't you look into my eyes for a long time, Sam?" I whispered to her.

She slightly shivered but then looked me in the eyes, and then rolled her eyes, "If I tell you will you get off me?"

I thought about it a moment, "I guess so."

She sighed and then stared at me for a quick moment and then huffed, "Get off me first."

I sighed and slide off her and pulled her up with me, the blanket slowly drifting from her body. I pulled her body close to mine and forced her to look into my eyes. She stared for a quick moment and then sighed.

She turned back towards me and stared at me. Her hardened expression softened and she seemed almost breathless.

"Be-Because, you have, the most amazing, most beautiful, most captivating and enchanting eyes I have ever seen," was her reply.

I was at a lost of words. Speechless. Zip. Nada. Zilch.

"And, if I stare, I-I-I get, lost."

That has got to be the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me. Literally.

Sadly though, it only made me want her more. I'm losing MY MIND!!!

She blinked and gasped, covering her mouth, and then turned a deep shade of pink, what a cutie pie.

"D-Did I . . . Please, please tell me I did NOT just say that out loud."

 I chuckled quietly and then held her tighter against me, her small, sexy body against mine.

"I'd be lying . . ." I replied.

I saw her frown and then groan in frustration, "Nate, please, let go. I have to go to the bathroom. I've gotta pee so damn bad!"

I smirked and then watched her frown turn upside down as she darted up the stairs.

Hehehehe, so cute.



                    I've started a new book and it will take a few weeks before I

              get back into the writing mode. It's called 'Walking Alone', check

       it out if you have time! Thank you to everyone who supported my writing!

                   I've loved every ounce of feedback, praise, and criticism! ♥♥♥

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