Chapter 42

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Kale stood behind her, twirling a long bowie knife in his hands, grinning.

"KALE!!" I raged. I was furious. I started running towards him but didn't get very far.

I felt four strong hands grab my arms and yank me back. Then, before I knew it, my arms were being duct taped behind my back.

I was forced to my knees while Kale sauntered over to me, like he owned the fucking world. Like he had the world in his hands and could crush it at any moment.

He had my world in his hands, and he could end it with one strike of that knife. He knew it. And he knew I knew it.

"Hello there buddy. Glad you could finally join us. I was getting restless but, you came just in time," Kale cooed getting down to my level.

I glared at him and then spat out, "You asshole! Let her fucking go, and I'll only beat the shit out of you."

"Instead of...?" Kale inquired.

"Instead of beating the shit out of you and your friends here, and then stabbing you with that fucking bowie knife...very, very, very slowly," I replied.

Kale looked frightened for a moment and then said, "You won't do that Nate. Not as long as I hold your entire world,"-he moved back to Sam and put his hand in her hair, twirling slightly-"right here."

Sam's eyes widened and she looked at me with disbelieving eyes. I could only stare back in fear. Fear of losing her. He was right.

I lowered my head and suddenly heard Kale burst out, "Holy fuck! He loves her! Nate loves the little whore!"

My head shot up and I watched as an evil grin spread across Kale's face. He knelt down next to Sam and said, "Then I guess you'd be pretty pissed if I were to do this huh?"

Then he pressed his lips to the side of her face making her flinch and try to move away. She was shaking beyond belief.

I was raging mad inside. My blood almost began boiling I swear.

He then began kissing down her cheeks and down her neck, running his tongue down her soft, neck. Meanwhile, his hands slowly slid down her front and to her breasts.

I began shaking with anger. I wanted to rip his fucking throat out.

"Stop it!" I yelled furiously.

Kale simply ignored me and went on squeezing her boobs and running his tongue across her skin.

Sam began whimpering through the tape on her mouth and tears rolled silently down her face.

Then, he slowly began sliding his hands down the neck of her tank and into it. Sam's eyes widened and she jerked trying to get away.

"No...Kale! Stop it!" I began shouting.

I saw Kale's hand go deeper down her shirt when suddenly, Sam pulled her head back and slammed it against Kale's. Kale grunted and fell back with a big red spot on his nose. Sam glared at him and then looked at me.

It was an emotion I couldn't read. Fright? Fear? Love? Concern? Confusion? God! I just wish I could read her mind.

Suddenly Kale stood back up holding his nose. He glared at Sam and then spat, "You little whore!" Then he punched her across the face sending her to the floor.

Her whimper echoed in my ears as I shouted in response, "Kale! Don't fucking hit her you asshole! Leave her the fuck alone for God's sake!"

Kale glanced at me, glared and then said, "Don't worry, I'll be there in a minute. Just after I do one more thing..."

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