Chapter 6

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Hey sorry the picture looks so weird, but this is who i used to portray Kale in my story :P


Nate POV

I sat in my room watching tv . . . well kinda anyway . . . the tv was on, I just wasn’t really watching it, you know?

How could I watch tv when Sam was on a date with Kale? I mean when I thought about all the things that he could be trying to pull right now . . . the things he was probably going to do to her . . . it just . . . Grrrrrrr


Why do I even care??

I know why . . .

What?! You again!! What the hell do you want?!

Geesh . . . calm down man . . . ur like about to explode on me here . . . .


I’m sorry it’s just I can’t stop thinking about-


I took a deep breath and tried my best to ignore everything that could cause me to worry about Sam. I tried to watch Avatar on Nickelodeon, yes I love Avatar . . . and Naruto . . . but that’s not the point, the point is that I’m worried about Sam.

I glanced over at her dark empty room, thinking that just maybe she back and I didn’t hear her.

Nope. Like karma would rule in my favor . . . Psshhh yeeeaaahhh riiiggghhttt

I growled to myself and tried my hardest to think about Avatar when I heard my phone start to play ‘Bat Country by Avenge Sevenfold.’

Suddenly, I had a feeling that it was Sam, but of course that was stupid, for one, I didn’t have her cell phone number, although I should get it. Two: She doesn’t even have MY number, and finally three: Why on earth would SHE call ME?!

I mean, even if she did have my number, why would she call me? What reason would she have? It’s not like she cares about me anyway . . .


Whoa?! What?

We both KNOW that she cares about you . . .


What?! I don’t. Please, enlighten me . . .

Whoo ‘enlighten’ that’s a big a word for you, sure you don’t wanna lie down before your head explodes?

*I growled at my conscious and thought: Yes, I'm sure, now please tell me

Hehehehe, well one: she smiled at you even after you got her into trouble and then hit by her father. Two: She forgave you for that, and even lied to your father for you even when she knows that you didn’t mean it. Three: . . . Need I say more?

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