Bonus Chapter- Halloween

Start from the beginning


I grab the hand that is daring to shake me awake. "Princess, get up I have to tell you something," a deep familiar voice whispers. I reach my arm up finishing there face and start tapping there face "what are you doing princess?" Freddy asks. "I'm looking for the snooze button," I mumble into my pillows Freddy chuckles and grabs my hand from hitting his face and head. "Princess get up, it's almost ten o'clock," Freddy says, I turn slowly opening my eyes and looking up at him. "Why? You normally love me sleeping in," I ask confused by him and his actions. Freddy leans and kisses me, before I could react he pulls away and pats my leg. "Get up and meet me in the kitchen," he says than throws my covers off me. I groan as he leaves chuckling. Swinging myself out of bed I fallow after Freddy. I rub my eyes groaning at Freddy for just throwing my covers off me.
Moving my way into the kitchen I open my eyes looking for Freddy. Something drops down on me making me squirm and push at it. I scream when something touches my side, Freddy chuckles as I turn and punch him. "Your an asshole Fredrick!" I scream punching him one good time in the chest. Freddy chuckles and kisses my head "sorry princess," he comments than moves to counter. I pull whatever is on my head off and throw it and Freddy seeing it's a fake spider. "Why did you wake me up? You could have done that later," I say to him moving closer to him. I lean against the counter waiting for him to turn around and talk to me. Freddy turns around with pancakes and what looks like mud on top of it. I cringe softly "ohh eww. That is disgusting," I say as he cuts off a bite and eats it. Freddy cuts another bite and holds it out to me. I cover my mouth I groan shaking my head.
Freddy pushes the bite to my hand. "Trust me and open your mouth princess," Freddy says, I trust him but who knows if this is another prank or not. I frown and slowly let my hand fall from my mouth. I open my mouth slowly letting him put a bite into my mouth. I didn't wanna chew or swallow kind of afraid. "Just chew. You might like it," Freddy says, I slowly chew scared. The taste of chocolate pudding makes me look at Freddy confused. "Did you think I was going to make you eat real dirt?" he asks me making me blush. "Your in a pranking mood, I don't know what you could pull sweetie," I answer him making him smile softly as he pull me around the counter. I smile at him going to grab the fork but he won't let me. "Just let me feed us," I grumble grabbing the fork hardly from his hand. Freddy chuckles and wraps his arms around my stomach slowly nodding "fine. But than after breakfast we need to get dressed princess," Freddy tells me as I stay to feed us. I look over at him confused as to why we need to get dressed for a day in.
Freddy smiles and kisses my forehead making me smile. "Where are we going though?" I ask him giving him another bite. Freddy shakes his head and keeps quiet while I feed us. "Come on I've let you've silent this whole time. Now tell me. Please," I plead as he takes the plate to the sink. When he turns off the water I turn him around "come on please. I can't dress if I don't know where we are going," I inform him making him smirk. "Not true. I already picked out a outfit for you," Freddy tell me making me blush than sigh "you'll enjoy where we are going princess," he states than kisses my check. Taking hold of my hand he has me fallow him back to the bedroom. When we get to the bedroom he pushes me into the bathroom, "what do you want me to do?" I ask getting completely confused as to his reason why. "Shower, I'll put your under clothes in here and your clothes in the bedroom," Freddy tells me than kisses me slowly kissing him back I try to turn us so I'm not stuck in the bathroom.
Freddy steps back chuckling and shaking his head. "Shower princess, I took my mine earlier. I'll be ready and waiting for you to get dressed in the other room," Freddy tells me than slips out of the bathroom closing the door. Doing as he asks I pull off my clothes and step into the shower. Showering slowly I let Freddy wait, stepping out I dry off and without looking at what he had left out I pull them on. I walk out as I use the towel to dry my hair. "Do I get to know where we are going now?" I ask him as I drop the towel on the floor. Freddy looks at me and whistles "you look very beautiful princess. If we did not have somewhere to go I'd say stay like that," Freddy says making me blush red. "Thanks honey," I whisper to him looking at the bed to see jeans, a bright colored tank top and a plaid long sleeve shirt. I move and pull on the jeans noticing the way they hug my hips tight but flare out around my ankles. "So where are we going?" I ask him pulling on the tank top. "Tuck it in, please," Freddy comments, I do as he asks tucking my shirt into my jeans and straightening it.
I go to put the flannel on but Freddy stops me. "Around your waist, I'll grab you socks," he tells me than moves going to get socks. I slowly tie the jacket around my waist and sit down grabbing the socks from his hand. "Ready for some Halloween fun?" Freddy asks me as I pull on the socks and stand back up. I study his outfit of skinny jeans, a loose fitting shirt and a flannel much like mine. He grabs my hand and pulls me to the front door. When at the front door he slips on his shoes, I fallow his lead and watch as he pulls on his fedora. He grabs my hand and leads me out of the house, my keys in his hand. "Where are we going it's like two in the evening?" I ask him completely confused. Freddy puts me in the car and does not say a word. He closes the door and goes around getting in. "You need to answer me before I jump out of this car," I comment getting annoyed with him not answering me.
Freddy reaches out and grabs onto my arm. "Don't even think about it. You will like where we are going princess. Just let me surprise you," he tells me, I groan but nod and letting him take us to were ever we are going. "Do you miss your cousin?" Freddy asks me. I nod softly "yes, she never made fun of me for my condition. We were like siblings until my brother went off the rails when I was almost a 16, I lost contact with my family than," I answer him sadly, I watch the road as he drives he pats my hand as we pull up to a house. "Time for some fun princess," Freddy tells me getting out of the car there were tons of cars. I step out of the car and grab Freddy's hand. "Where are we?" I ask Freddy as he walks up to the door. "Shh you'll see when they open the door," Freddy answers than knocks loudly on the door
The door swings open making me freeze. I let go of his hand and launch myself at the person who opened the door. It was my favorite cousin Navi, Navi hugs me back making me smile. "What are you doing here? I never got a reply I was not expecting to see you," she says as we pull away. I point at Freddy "he surprised me, I did not know where we were going. He just had me get dressed and drove us here," I answer her grabbing Freddy's hand. "Well I'm glad you can make it. The others will be happy to see you, come on. You have to introduce him to the family," she says than is moving away from the door. Fallowing her I smile holding tight to Freddy's hand. "You could have told me this is where we were going," I comment, Freddy chuckles and fallows after me. "Meeting the family, I must be serious," Freddy jokes as I look at all the Halloween decorations. It was decked out in tons of different decorations. I stop staring at all the decorations when I am pulled to a stop. Navi was talking with her parents and sister, I was never close to her sister even though we were closer in age.
Navi's father was like my own, he was a kind fellow who treated everyone with kindness. Her mother was a very sweet women who also was kind to everyone but she was the one with the temper you had to watch out for. When she was pissed she truly was pissed and would not back down until things went her way. Her sister was as sweet as a sour patch kid, but had a good heart. When they all turn to us I squeeze softly on Freddy's hand. "I'm sorry it's been so long since I was last here. This is Freddy, he's boyfriend. Umm babe this is my cousin I told you about Navi, her sister Hazel, her mom Sabrina, and her dad David," I say introducing them to each other. "Your brother will be here later, I'm sorry if I had known you were coming I would not have invited him," David tells us making me grab tight to Freddy's hand, "he won't get close to you. I promise," Freddy states knowing how much I hate my brother.
Navi smiles softly as more guests arrive "hey wanna be in charge of passing out candy, the bar/soda area, or making popcorn and Cotten candy?" Navi asks knowing I won't want to be doing much socializing if my brother is around. "Popcorn, wouldn't want him scaring the kids and you shouldn't trust me around tons of drinks," I answer getting a squeeze on the hand from Freddy. "So what are you two suppose to be?" Navi asks me as we move through the house to the backyard where the main event is taking place. "Dancers, I was gonna go for something scary but we don't need that. She had no choose because this is what I picked out for her," Freddy answers making Navi look back at us as we step into the back yard. There was so many people, way too many, one of the reasons I was put to work probably. "This is how you party?" Freddy asks me making me giggle softly as we step behind the stand. "Don't worry handsome, you can a few drink," I say patting him on the shoulder. As Navi waves and moves over to the drinks. Navi couldn't dish the hard stuff so her mother brother helped out since he couldn't drink liquor anymore.
Freddy wraps his arms around my shoulders as we watch all the different costumes and such walk by. "Why didn't you tell me this is what we were doing?" I ask Freddy pouring some popcorn into the top of the popcorn machine. "Because this was my treat princess," Freddy answers than turns on the machine for me. "Best part about working this is the popcorn and cotton candy, you get to snack on it," I inform him, starting pouring mix into the cotton machine. "So you do get away from the here right? I'd like to dance with you later," Freddy whispers then tickles my sides. I squirm from the tickles but nod. "Yes I will get a break later when everyone is eating. We can dance later," I offer blushing as an adult comes go to us asking when it will be ready.
I watch Freddy hand out popcorn as I twirl the cotton candy. Th adults were getting theres candy and other things before dinner so after dinner they can go back to there stations. Navi walks up behind Freddy and touches my back "hey, wanna sit with us during dinner?" Navi asks me, I look at Freddy. "Could you just get us two chairs and some food? Freddy wants to dance so while others eat dinner," I ask her blushing, Navi chuckles and nods slowly. "Of course, far warning your brother is here," Navi says than moves away. I watch her walk away turning back my brother moves up to the stand, I could always remember him. He was tall but skinny and not very muscular. I grab the back of Freddy's shirt "it's him," I whisper, Freddy pushes me behind him "sis-" my brother says but Freddy crosses his arms over his chest "how may I help you?" Freddy almost growls.
The lady on his arm, a short but pretty lady pulls on his arm, "can I just get some cotton candy?" she asks. Freddy moves with me slightly "so your her new toy?" my brother asks, Freddy shifts his back tightening. "Yep, but she's also mine," Freddy states, I chuckle smiling "I love you too baby," I comment reaching around him and handing the candy to my new sister in law. "I'm sorry I didn't invite you to the wedding. I would have if I had known you guys were talking," the girl states "we aren't. He just is being a controlling ass because I got better when he left," I answer as Navi comes back with her dad. Her dad holding chairs "you guys go dance, well sit here and wait for you to come back," Navi states. I hug her smiling, bless this girl. I turn to Freddy to see him holding out his hand.
Grabbing it I let him lead me to the floor. "Your brothers pissed," Freddy whispers as we turn slow. I looks to see my brother is pissed. "Screw him, so after we eat. Want to spend only an hour here than head home? I am getting tired of being on my feet. Me and you alone time sounds nice," I say looking up at Freddy hopping he goes for it. He smiles and leans down kissing me softly. I pull his head down kissing him deeper and heavier. "Hey! It's Halloween none of that!" David yells out making me pull back blushing while I put my face in Freddy's chest. Freddy along with probably everyone else, laughs at us and uncles comment. He spins me out than back into his chest backwards "I was enjoying that, you owe me when we go home," Freddy whisper than twirls me back to facing him. "Okay, I'm good with that," I say, me and Freddy dance for a little bit longer.
Freddy kisses my forehead softly "lets go back and eat dinner princess, than we can go home after an hour," he says slowly letting go of one of my hands. I nod and fallow him. I pat his shoulder, "go get a drink. I know you want one, bring me back a soda," I say as I see Navi's uncle going back to the bar. Freddy sighs but does as I say, I know he wanted a drink but he's been so good since he hurt me and he deserve one. I come back to the stand, I hug Navi tightly "thank you for everything," I whisper in her ear smiling. Navi pats my arms "anything for someone who is like my sister," she says than heads to her mom. I turn and hug my uncle as I sense Freddy come up behind me. "I've missed you," David whispers "I'm sorry, but I'm happy now, I'm getting better which is great," I comment he hugs me closer. "It's okay, I'm gonna go eat dinner. You do the same," he says than pulls apart, I let him go.
David goes past Freddy and pats him on the shoulder. "Protect her, she's precious," David says making me blush deep red. "She is my princess. We will be leaving in an hour or two, she's getting kind of tired," Freddy says as I pick up both of our plates and sits down. David shakes his head smiling "come get us we want to say goodbye," David says than he is gone. Freddy sits down putting our cups on the floor. I had him his plate of food not able to look at him because I'm blushing. Freddy and me trade the things we don't like, me and him sit quietly not talking much just eating or looking at others occasionally commenting on something we see or hear.
When we both finish Freddy throws away our plates. When he comes back I wink getting back to work as he drinks his beer slowly. When two hours pass I wave over David who was mainly just talking with his friends. He grabs someone else who was so show. He was kind hugging his jacket. David hugs me tight "go bye. Come back soon, please," David states than shakes Freddy's hand. We move to Sabrina and yet again I'm hugged tight into her "it was nice seeing you again, come back. Bring him too, he makes you smile," she says "I will auntie, thank you for having us," I comments as Freddy just nods to her. Hazel sticks out her hand which I'm glad for. We shake hands than me and Freddy move to the bar. I pull Navi out from behind it. I hug her tightly to me "I'll see you soon, be have," I chuckle softly smiling. "Right back at you, miss prankster," she teases than pulls away seeming like she was going to cry which I didn't want.
Freddy hugs her softly shocking both of us. "It was a pleasure to meet you," He tells her than pulls back. Navi was still shocked so I poke her forehead. "I umm you too, take care of her. I've got to get back drive safe," Navi says smiling softly and waving. Freddy and I head to the front of the house than the car. As we get closer I hold out my hand for the keys. He frowns gives me the keys "I could still drive," he mumble "we are not testing that handsome," I comment pushing my softly. Freddy grumbles as he gets into the passenger seat. Freddy shakes his head as we head home, Freddy grabs my leg as we head home. I could feel his eyes as I drive which did not help. When we got home Freddy was quick to jump out of the car and run around to my side. He pulls me from the car and throws me over his shoulder locking the car. "Hey! I can walk!" I cry out seeing all the tricker treaters.
Freddy pushes the door open when he gets it unlocked. He wobbles but locks the door. He carries me up to the bedroom taking off mine and his flannel shirt. He lays us both down on the bed, he was on top of me kind of crushing me. "Is someone tired?" I ask as his arms wrap tighter to my waist. "I just did not like being there with so many people. But I'm glad you were happy and I could meet your family, except for your brother," Freddy answers than kisses my collar bone. "I'm sorry but you seemed to enjoy popcorn and cotton candy," I say kissing kiss head. Freddy chuckles and moves up turning on the tv and hugging me into his chest. "Good, good. Lets watch whatever because I'm going to get into pjs and probably pass out within an hour," I say than carefully move out from his hold.
I throw sleep pants and new boxers at Freddy wanting him shirtless. I change into a tank top than sleep pants leaving just my underwear on. Moving back to the bed I see Freddy already changed and waiting for me. Laying down in front of Freddy I smile as he leans on his elbow. I smile when Freddy's bare arm. I wrap my arm around his. I kiss his upper arm letting myself relax into him "enjoy your killing tonight in the dream world thank you for a nice Halloween. I had fun," I whisper slowly falling asleep. I turn towards him pulling him down so he's laying flat on his back. I move down and put my head on his chest putting my arm up on his chest. He freezes from my action but pulls me closer kissing my head.

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