Chapter 12 - He Realizes He's In Love/ Tells You

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          I knew I cared for my lovely (y/n), but last night scared me. Just seeing her next to me so happy to just be next to me made me realize something. I am in love with her. How was I to tell her this? She does not pity me or think I'm a horrible person for killing.
          She didn't have to take care of me when I got sick but she choose to. She respects my mom and mines opinion. The moment I realize I love the women next to me it freaked me out. The only person I have ever loved died from loving me. I did not know how to act, I love the women next to me but I'm a monster.
          Holding (y/n) close to my body. She scared me coming home so late last night. I thought I lost her, I don't think I can ever forget how scared I was of never seeing her again. I didn't want to leave her alone when she came back but I didn't want to upset her. The second she cudded into me I knew she needed an explanation but she was aleast not upset with me anymore.
          When she woke up she stayed cuddling into me. I know she's not use to me talking but I want her use to it. "Are you hungry?" I ask her playing softly with her hair. She shakes her head softly. I keep softly playing with her hair "are you still upset with me for running away?" I whisperly ask her. I look down at her she see her nuzzle her face more into my chest. "Are you upset or just in want of explanation?" I question hopping she talks to me.
          I enjoy her voice and her talking to me. "Not upset, but a explanation would be nice. I'm not holding out for one though," her voice muffled by my body. I slowly let go "let's get you breakfast first my dear," I say trying to get her up. She frowns but nods slowly letting go of me. I was in her way of getting up so all she could do was sit up. Standing up I hold out my hand for her. She takes it standing up, I wait for her and slowly start walking with her beside me. Having her sit at the table I go over to the stove and make her scrambled eggs. It's not hard mom taught me and I've seen (y/n) make them a few times.
          I make us both a plate, sitting hers infront of her I go around the table sitting across to make sure she eats. She starts to slowly eat as I watch her. Eating I mual over how to tell her I love her. She was sitting quiet as she ate, occasionally she would look up at me but she mainly just ate. Slowly reaching over I grab her free hand. "Are you okay?" I question her giving her hand a gently squeeze. She gives me a soft smile nodding.
          When she finishes I grab our plates putting them in the sink. Coming over to her I kneel next to her. She looks at me confussed, putting my face in her lap I sigh softly. "Are you okay baby?" She asks softly, her hand running down my head to my back. I slowly look up at her. "No, I need to tell you something," I infrom her. She bites her lip "is this a bad thing?" she asks me. I give a soft sigh "no it's a good thing," I answers. Taking a deep breath I continue "I am in love with you (y/n)."
          She stares at me with big round eyes. "Did you just say?" she whispers out, I give a nod answering "yes, I'm in love with you,". She leans forward kissing me knocking me backwards. She falls with me as I wrap my arms around her. I kiss her back, I didn't need for telling me she loves me too. I she'll say it in time, as long as she knows I love her.


I didn't mean to just run away. I just realized something on my way there. Through everything she has done for me, cutting my hair, respecting my space, staying even though I'm a killer. I realized on my way to dinner with her that I love her. It made me freeze, I everyone I love has died or left me. I didn't go far when I ran from her and our date. I watch her through the windows, other people would look at her. Male eyes lingered for too long but she ignores them.
She just sat eating, I'm suprised she didn't see me by all the window watching she was doing. When she started leaving I saw her looking back. I think she saw me because she didn't change pace she just walks calmly. She didn't lock the door so I knew she knew it was me. I knew she was upset but more wanted an answer to why I just left her. I feared she wouldn't let me hold her last night but thankfully she cuddled into me showing me she wasn't too upset with me.
I couldn't sleep last night. I mean how am I to tell someone that I love them that isn't family. Will the curse translate to her, will loving her make the curse want to kill her? I would occasionally just listen to her mumbles, cuddle her close and just listen to her heart beat, or just play with her hair. It was around 8 when she shifts mumbling in her sleep. "Honey," she mumbles as I realize screw the curse. I haven't hurt her before and I won't hurt her now that I love her.
          I stroke her cheek softly "yes dear?" I ask softly not knowing if she really is asleep. She groans hugging me closer. I smile at her action of wanting to be closer. I feel her head slowly shift as though she's looking up at me. Looking down I see her eyes staring up at me. She gives a very soft smile making mine grow more. I couldn't help my instinct of kissing her on the forehead.
          Her smiles grows a little bit. "Dear, can I tell you something before we go eat?" I ask her stroking her cheek. Her face goes from understanding to confussed to calm. "Of course," she answers. I smile pulling her closer putting my forehead on hers "the reason I ran away last night is because I realized I'm falling in love with you," I tell her then close my eyes I fear of her reaction. She slowly grabs my cheek "honey," she whispers to me. I slowly look at her, her lips press against mine as I look at her.
          Pulling her closer her hand strokes my cheek. "I'm suprised by your words, but I should have seen it since your so kind to me," she tells me. I kiss her again softly "I love you, now lets go get us some breakfast," I tell her sitting us up.

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