Meeting His Friends (Charles)

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Hunching over another suppose to be scary Halloween decoration I groan. I need to get my desk fixed soon or I'm gonna end up with back problems. A gentle but large hand touches my back making me freeze. "Time for a break sweetie," Charles whispers, his lips on my ear. Smiling softly I enjoy the feel of his lips on me. Charles moves my chair back effortlessly. Stretching my arms up I hope Charles can't hear the pop of my back. Standing up I smile softly at him putting my hand to his check. "Getting tired Ms. (y/l/n)?" He asks teasing me playfully, blushing a soft red I nod. Truthfully I was very tired and hungry, I won't tell him but I forgot breakfast on my way out. "Well your probably also very hungry since you skipped breakfast," he stares making my checks flare. He leads me to the break room where there was some take out dishes from different places around here.
I look at him trying not to give him a sad smile. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to forget it. I was already late as it was and I couldn't grab something or else I'd be even later," I explain hopping he will forgive me as we sit down. It wasn't a lie I was very late to work, we've had so many decorations come in for me to fix that I've been in from opening to closing every day. "Come on let's eat so we can get back to work," Charles says pulling out a chair for me than sitting down next to the chair he pulled out. Sitting down next to him I pull a box of chicken to me and dig in. Halfway through munching on food Charles pulls my feet over his lap making me smile over at him. "Wait earlier did you say so we can get back to work?" I ask him confused, his ears turn a soft pink. "Yeah I gotta help my girl," he tells me making me smile and kiss his check leaving sticky sauce from my food on his check.
Charles narrows his eyes at me making me giggle softly. "Sorry, sorry I'll get it off," I giggle grabbing a wet wipe and leaning in pretending to wipe it off than slowly licks his check and the sauce off. Pulling back I see Charles blushing and smiling at me. "Better?" I ask him going back to eating. He grabs me and kisses me slowly. "Much," he whispers than goes back to eating. As I finish my two boxes of food I slowly stand up licking my lips. "I'm gonna head back to work, can you throw away the trash?" I ask wanting to get back at the work so I can leave and not feel like I did not make a dent in my work. Charles squeezes my hand as I grab a bottle of soda. "Yes of course, than I'll come help you," he answers making my heart flutter with his soft smile. Kissing his hair I move back to my desk and get back to work on the candy bowl with a suppose to be moving hand in it.
I hear the backdoor open and this followed by the annoying 4 beeps it gives off. Fixing the candy bowl I move it off to the side to the fixed pile. As I go to grab the weird witch that is suppose to move around, the front door to the shop let's off jingles notifying me to customers. Looking around I see Charles has not come back. Groaning I stand up and move to the front desk to see a group of men. "Hello and welcome to The Fixers, what can I help you with?" I ask plastering on my fake smile. They all just stare at me, sighing I rub my nose. "Do you need something or is this like a dumb group prank?" I ask getting very annoyed. "You must be Charles girlfriend," one of them comments as it all clicks. He told me his friends would be paying us a visit. The masks, the group of 10, my parents not being in the store. "Crap your his friends aren't you?" I ask wanting to just hit myself into a coma of how crappy this day is going.
The four beeps signal Charles entering the shop. "Hey, dear where are your parents?" Charles calls out making me smile slightly. "Your friends are at the front desk," I call back not really answering his question. I'm just hopping these are his friends and not weird robbers. I move back from the desk since Charles can let them in. Charles enters from the back room and takes one look at them and goes to let them in. Going back to my pile of work I turn on the witch then set her down on the floor. The witch doesn't move or make noise, grabbing the witch I look at it's bottom hopping to see a red light. Charles and his friends enter as I grab my screw driver and open the bottom of the witch. "Sorry about being an arse, but I got a pile of crap to fix 2 weeks before Halloween along with normal dolls and such that come in," I comment as I use the screwdriver to pop the acid batteries out trying not to groan at idiot people.
A hand shoots out and gave the witch, I scowl as I turn looking at Charles. "I told you I'm gonna help," he comments making me groan while nodding. "Yes you did and I love you for doing so," I comment. "So my name is (y/f/n) (y/l/n)," I say looking up at them. A few of them nod the others just stare at me. "So you work on dolls and electrical stuff?" One of them with a mask says. "Yep, it was either fix toys, fix pianos and clocks, or do interior design. Already got two doing two of those things so I choose the third," I explain than look at Charles 'names' I mouth to him. "Ohh right you already know her name but sweetie this isFreddy Kruger, Thomas Hewitt, Michael Myers, Hannibal Lector, Robert Gray, Jason Voorhees, Billy Loomis, Tex Hewitt, Daniel Robitaille, and Norman Bates " he informs me making me great full that he did inform me even if I did have to ask him to. "It's really nice to meet you guys," I comment smiling at them.
I pick up a broom that much like the witch is meant to move on it's own. "So you work with your parents?" Freddy asks seeming to enjoy that creepily. "Family business, I'm good at my job, that and I didn't have to worry about applying and not getting the job," I answer smiling at that thought. I got a job because I'm family and I work well, I get to stay close and do what I love. I squat to turn on the stupid broom with a gentle kick to the base it starts wheeling around laughing. "Idiots," I mumble letting it roll watching to see if it stops. It runs into Hannibal making me chuckle. "Ummm is this suppose to be scary?" Hannibal asks making me giggle softly as I get the damn toy back, turning it off. "No, for the littler trucker treaters or older adults who hand out candy you don't want scary-scary, the younger ones can get scared easier and adults can have heart attacks. Even these can scare them," I explain to him hating the thought of my crappy Halloween as a kid.
There's a chuckle from Charles "is that why you make dolls look nicer?" Norman asks me. "No, my grandpa was a jack of all trades while my grandma painted portraits and other such, they had a girl and he had to fix dolls and than you know chips feel and all this happened," I explain picking up the next toy. Charles steps beside me and shows me the inside of the battery part. It was clean but not completely. "There's still acid in there. If we don't clean it more than the acid will eat into the next set of batteries or worse, into the wiring. Use baking powder and very tiny water in a fine paste," I inform him since he's never felt with this kinda stuff. He kisses my check making me blush red. "You have him wrapped around your finger," Billy comments, I look at Charles shaking my head. "No, I just got lucky with someone so helpful. There's also nothing wrong with learning how to fix something," I say making me smile at how lucky I truly am.
I see the back of Charles next turn red. He could hear use and I was not really caring. He looks over at me winking as I pick up what is meant to be a light up knife that has fake blood. I study it turning it over in my hand. "You get the weirdest stuff," Daniel states making me roll my eyes at the real ness of that statement. "It's a gag knife, for like haunted houses and stuff," I explain grabbing a bowl to drain all the blood out so I can put it back in. "So this is what you do on your day to day life? Fix things?" Freddy asks me, as I hold the knife with the stopper out "yes, but must days are good days. The bad days are sort of like this," I answer him than take the knife part away from the handle. Jimmimg a flat head in between the seems I start to slowly get it to snap apart and not break anything. A piece that holds it together breaks making me groan softly. "I gotta go get the glue, and find my drink," I comment as I put the two pieces down.
I see Charles shift not liking it, I move and kiss his check softly stroking his back softly. "I'm getting glue and finding my soda. I'll be fine," I whisper knowing he worries. He gives me a nod so I kiss his shoulder than move to the break room. Rolling my shoulders I search the drawers for the glue. The door to the break room closes as the radio outside turns on. I turn to see Michael standing there, he pulls of his mask as he sits down at the table running his hands through his hair. I sit by his side, "you okay Michael?" I ask him studying his hunched shoulder. "It's almost Halloween. That's the time that I kill, my girl. I've been with her close to a year. Last Halloween she caught me killing. I need to kill, but I can't let her see. But I also need to do something special so he doesn't associate Halloween with me killing and bad stuff," he explains seeming more stressed as he talks. "Hey, hey take a deep breath. She loves you right, that won't change. Want to do something for your anniversary, think of something you both will like. Make it romantic, you know, get her flowers, make an effort, if you have to ask for help making food do. Or make it simple, you and her a whole day together, be spontaneous get food you wouldn't normally watch movies you wouldn't. Than on Halloween explain to her that your going out, you will keep the gore away from her and want her to enjoy handing out candy or watching ticker-treaters," I say to him hopping it makes him feels better.
He sighs holding tight to his hair seeming to almost rip his hair out. "But I'm not romantic, I'm not good at having someone there, I'm bad I'm very bad," he mumbles seeming to almost be crying. I slowly reach out hand rub his arm. "Your not bad, sure your a killer but you aren't bad. You hug her, tell her you love her, cuddle her, just being there and listening to her can be enough. You don't have to always tell someone for them to be there, letting her comfort you when your down is having someone," I say as he try's to take a deep breath. It was shaky as though he was trying not to let tears fall. "I'm scarred, for the first time in a long time I'm scared. I could look her," he whispers looking over at me. I could see the tears pooling in his eyes as he fights them back. Grabbing a napkin I hand it to him "she's probably just as afraid to lose you as you are of losing her. The best you can do is show her your not going anywhere and you love her," I inform him as he whips his eyes.
He whips his eyes slowly as I pull my hand away. A man does not want to feel less like a man when in a vulnerable state. He flashed me a soft smile than pulls on his mask. "I think I saw your soda on the floor out by the pile of stuff," Michael tells me, I stand up and grab the glue and tweezers. "You good? Need like a hug or are you okay to go back out there?" I question him worrying since he is Charles friend. Michael slowly nods to me and than opens the door for me. "It'll be okay," I whisper gently to him as I walk past. "I have finally found the tweezers!" I exclaim lying but not wanting them to know about Michaels problems or worries. The music stops as we walk to the group. Charles was leaning against my desk when he sees me he points to my soda on the floor. "Thanks handsome," I comment grabbing it off the floor and walking to him. Cracking the seal I take a long swig of soda.
Charles smiles at me as I lean against the desk next to him. "It took you that long to find tweezers?" Tex asks and I just smile softly not wanting to give anything away. "Ehh me and Michael got to talking about anniversaries, we got side tracked while he bounced ideas for his off me. Being that I'm female, you know easier to come to a female than ask another man," I explain which is true in a form of ways. "Ohh crap I missed mine. Ohhh I gotta do something," Freddy mumbles than starts to curse. "Nothing ever goes wrong when it comes to chocolate or ice cream, unless she's are allergic to dairy than run away from that idea. Flowers work too, or you know a date. Dates are good, most of the time," I comment than start to ramble in a soft mumble is different date ideas getting lost in that thought as I think of what my dad always did for my parents engagement anniversary. Fingers snap in front of my face making me blush red and stop mumbling like a crazy person. "Sorry," I say shifting slightly.
There's a chuckle from one of them and he starts to almost sound creepy. "She sounds almost like Michael when Billy comes him Mickey," he chuckles making my checks flare red. Charles starts to growl lowly. Grabbing his hand I rub my thumb against his hand slowly. "Okay you all need to go, we got lots of work to do," Charles comments than starts to wave bye. I smack his arm "that is not how you say goodbye Charles," I state shaking my head at him. "So hugs or hand shakes?" Thomas asks as I step away from the table, I nod slowly since that normally what it is. Daniel steps up to me and holds out his hand, giving him a firm handshake he looks surprised. He moves away breaking the hand shake and lets Norman step up for a hand shake. I'd take Norman for a hugger but to each person there own. Robert moves to where Norman had been standing and I'm grateful when he just holds out his hand. Taking his hand in mine I give him a firm shake hopping if I let go fast he'll get away quicker.
Jason pushes Robert out of the way glaring at him making me chuckle. "Creepy clown," he grumbles than hugs me softly. Hugging him back I smile at how gentle the hug really is. Thomas was next but he just holds out his hand, he seemed like a hugger but seems to be scared of Charles. I smile softly at him stepping so Charles is behind me as I role my eyes. Hannibal takes my hand in his as he stares deeply at me "take care of him," Hannibal whispers to me making me chuckle softly. "I will do so," I confirming looking back at Charles. Tex moves and hugs me side ways so my shoulder is pressed into his chest. He was gone as quickly as he hugged me, it was a warm soft hug. Billy steps towards me and shakes my hand slowly, I shake his hand back. Billy seemed more like the type to be huggable type so it was a little odd. Charles became tensed as Freddy moves closer to me.
Freddy was quick to grab my hand and shake it as though he was gonna wrap me into a hug. But Freddy lets go of my hand and Charles yanks me back into his chest. Rolling my eyes I chuckle at Charles over protectiveness. I move out of his arms and hug Michael. "Go to your girl, hug her. Show here what your so scared about," I whisper after he clears his throat sounding like he had been crying. "She can't know though," he says scared, it clear in his voice. "She deserves to know all of these. All of these worries and scares," I whisper not leaving him time to talk as I continue "you'd want her to talk to you if something was bugging her. So she deserves that same respect," I whisper than pull away slowly as I narrow my eyes at him trying to get my point across. He groans and slowly nodding, thankfully he nods telling me he would tell her about his problems and worries.
I step back into Charles as the move towards the front door. "It was nice to meet you guys," I say as Charles hands rest on my shoulders as the left the shop. Charles turns me around and moves his hands up to my checks. I reach up and grab his hands "yes Charles?" I ask him leaning into one of his hands. "What was with you and Michael?" He asks me seeming a bit upset "he was in need of a friendly hug and reassurance, nothing else," I answer than kiss his palm working my way to his knuckles. He moves closer and pushes our hands out of the way planting his lips to mine. Smiling I wrap my free hand around his neck pulling him even closer. He slowly depends the kiss but I pull back giggling. "Just a little more work than I'm outta here," I whisper softly enjoying when I can tease him. He groans and pouts at me, he lets out a soft whisper. Smiling softly I give him a soft kiss so he will stop his pouting and childishness.
His whimpers and pouting face stops after my kiss. Charles and me put in some work to finishing off more of the dolls. When I would move to his side Charles would start kissing my shoulder and neck. I would have to push him off me because of how much he was kissing me. When my parents came back to close up and put there stuff into the shop taking the money to the bank. When they came back Charles was quick to almost haul me out the back door to my car. "Charles!" I cry as he almost carries me out to my chair. "Nope it's time for me to be alone with my girl," he says as he unlocks the passenger door. "Well you could have just asked me," I state as he puts me in front of the open door. "I'm sorry. Can we get home so we can get you to relax?" Charles asks me softly, "if we can stop for dinner somewhere I will willingly get in the car," I comment leaning against the car door smiling at him. He smiles and nods slowly making me smile and kiss him heavily than willingly get into the car.

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