Number One

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I played Hold Me Again for Mitch, who instantly decided to release it as a single. It was the A side while Molly's Marty was the B side. At first, I was hesitant at allowing the song I wrote about Mum to be out in the world. It held a special place in my heart and I wasn't sure I would be able to handle any hate against it. The song was a sort of private thing that only Paul, Michael, and I understood, putting it out into the world seemed like a bad idea. Yet, I didn't object, and the song was released barely a week later.

As it neared November, England got colder. I practically refused to leave the flat unless I was carrying a heater. Snow was always covering the streets, you couldn't breathe without freezing your lungs, and you took the risk of slipping anytime you stepped outside.

"Can't believe we're going on another world tour," I shook my head.

Molly smiled, "I can, the lads were bound to get another hit."

"The entire bloody album was a hit. Honestly, their egos don't need any more fueling."

Molly and Janice both laughed. Molly was curled up on the armchair in four different blankets. Janice was on the floor, two comforters around her shoulders, drawing. I was lying on the couch with just as many blankets as Molly. Even with the warmth of four thick blankets and a roaring fire, I was still freezing.

"I hope we go back to Australia," Janice muttered, "I want to pet a kangaroo."

I chuckled, "I don't think that's such a good idea, Jan."


"It'll kill ya."

Janice shook her head, "It won't it's cute."

"The cute ones are always the deadliest," Molly said.

Janice glanced between the two of us before shaking her head. I pulled the blankets closer to me and shivered, "I'm sick of being bloody cold."

"Welcome to England," Molly replied.

"It's better than being hot," Janice replied, "We're so used to the cold, hot would make us melt."

"At least then I could feel my body."

Nobody replied. I burrowed under the blankets to the point where every part of my body was covered. Even then, I was still cold. It didn't help that the building had a crappy heating system. All of us expected it to break any day. I vowed that my next flat would have the greatest heating system man can create.

The doorbell made me jump slightly. With the snow falling outside and the freeze setting in, I didn't expect anyone. Nobody in their right minds would go out in that cold, unless, of course, they had a purpose.

"It's open!" Molly shouted.

The door opened and shut rather quickly. I unburied my face just enough to see Ellen walk in. Her cheeks were rosy and her hair had snowflakes adorning it like gems. She quickly shook herself off and sighed, "Remind me to have a chat with you three about security."

"You know we're not going to do that," I replied.

Ellen looked around before she saw me under the blankets. Molly glanced up at her and said, "It's not like anyone knows where we live, expect our mates, of course."

"Nevertheless, it is important that you remain safe," Ellen replied, "I want you to lock the door and always check who is on the other side before you open it. Understood?"

"You sound like my Mum," Molly muttered.

Janice smiled, "I love your Mum."

"I'm going to take that as a compliment," Ellen replied, "I didn't come here to lecture you, I have wonderful news!"

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