Another Time (S)

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TW: Random!AU, Angst

Smith had always been able to see things. He'd been able to see into another life, have a view of what they would be like if they took the other bus or missed a phone call. Kind of like another timeline. It only happened when he touched them, though, and only when he wanted to see it.

Ever since he'd been dating Ross, he'd stopped himself from seeing it. Smith was too scared to find out if Ross would've been better off without him or - and this was what he was terrified of - happier without him. Ross had never known that Smith could do this and that's how Smith wanted it to stay. He was constantly torn between finding out. On the one hand Ross could've been miserable but on the other, well, he might not have.

Smith had been increasingly stressed lately. Long shifts and less sleep meant he had too much time to think and most of that had been spent imagining different scenarios for Ross' timelines. He would try not to touch him as much, scared that he'd look and ruin everything but they were cuddling in bed one night and he couldn't help himself. Smith's hand drifted across Ross' exposed upper arm, absentmindedly playing with the hem of his shirt as his head rested on his boyfriend's chest. He eventually decided against it, reasoning that if Ross would've been happier he would've left already.

After this their relationship got better day by day. Ross started working towards his dreams again and Smith got promoted and began earning more money so he decided to buy a ring. A plain silver band with stones set in the middle, matching for both of them.

Oh and the day they got married was the happiest of their entire lives. Both Ross' and Smith's parents were there, tearing up as they watched on. Their friends were all there as well, all of them knowing that this day would've come sometime.

Their honeymoon was just as amazing as well. Smith had gone totally overboard with rose petals and champagne - being the cringey shit he was. The two lay in bed, heart rate still high with their bodies barely covered by the bedsheets.

"Remember when we met?" Ross asked, his fingers finding their way to Smith's. "Just missed my train and you accidentally whacked me in the face with a baguette?"

"Oh god, how could I forget?" Smith replied between fits of giggles.

Smith clearly remembered running to get the next train after a not-so-quick stop at the bakery. He'd been planning to get some bread for lunch and hand the baguette raised slightly as to avoid it getting caught. When he got down to the platform he could've sworn he heard someone yelling his name so spun around, hitting an unsuspecting Ross with a loaf of bread. He'd gone utterly ballistic - yelling and swearing - but for some reason ended up agreeing to go out for lunch with Smith as an "I'm sorry" present.

"What about the day you proposed?" Ross questioned, a bit quieter, fondly stroking Smith's hair.

"The look on your face when I pulled out the ring, I thought you were gonna scream," Smith replied, smiling as he remembered how much happiness he'd felt.

They'd been going through a rough patch - Ross always complaining that they never saw each other anymore and Smith saying that they always managed to make time for each other. He just thought it would've made them a lot happier if he proposed.

Which it did for a while. They saw each other a bit more when planning the wedding and managed to have more nights in where they just veg out on the couch. After a month or so the arguments started again. Accusations of not caring and long nights of waiting up where all that filled their spare time. They weren't happy as much. The wedding got put off again and again to the point that after they'd agreed on a date it was two years on.

Eventually, though, the day came and it was bliss for a few hours. That was until Smith managed to leave their passports at the hotel they were staying at before the wedding. Ross wasn't too happy and ignored him for the majority of the flight to their "mystery destination".

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