Love Me Hard, Forever (N)

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TW: Breathplay, explicit sexual content, rough sex

Ross had Smith pushed up against the wall as soon as he walked through the door, grabbing his wrists and pushing his arms above his head, he buried his face into Smith's neck and sucked a livid bruise onto his skin.

Smith bucked his hips up into Ross and let out a low moan, letting his head fall back, "Shit Ross." He whispered into the air.

"You like that?" Ross asked pushing his right leg in-between Smith's. "You like it rough?"

"Fuck... Yes." Smith hiss' between clenched teeth, grinding down onto Ross' leg.

Ross ran his hands up under Smith's shirt, letting his nails scratch over the soft skin on his chest, pinching one nipple as he did so. Bunching the shirt up and over Smith's head he took it off and let it fall to the floor. He reached over to the desk next to them and grabbed a tie he had laying there; wrapping it around Smith's wrists he then hooked the tie to a nail above the door frame. He grabbed Smith's face with his free hand "Now be a good boy and don't move." He said as he licked Smith's lips then kissed him hard.

Smith flexed his hands and tugged slightly on the tie that held him in place. Smith loved it when Ross was like this. He doesn't get to see this side of Ross that much, but when he gets into one of these moods he doesn't hold anything back, and Smith loves every minute of it. He watched as Ross kissed, licked, and sucked his way down his body, undoing his jeans and lowering them down as he went. He reveled in every mark that Ross left in his wake. Once Ross was on his knees he looked up at Smith through his lashes and gave him a sly grin, a look that always sends a shiver down Smith's back.

"Remember the safe word if it becomes too much. Ok?" Ross said as he leaned in and kissed Smith's thigh.

Closing his eyes and letting his head fall back against the door, taking a long shuddering breath he hummed, "Mmm Hmm." Even though they had a safe word Smith has never had to use it, never wanted to, he enjoyed this side of Ross way too much to ever stop him. He jerked his head back up and looked down when he felt Ross bite lightly down on his thigh. Looking down he saw that Ross was watching him for any sign of discomfort. He gave Ross a small smile to show he was all good.

"Fuck you look good like this." Ross said rubbing his face against Smith's thigh. He ran his hands up Smith's legs and over his hips, gripping Smith's hips tighter he took him into his mouth and slowly started sucking and licking. Ross was taking it slow knowing that it drove Smith crazy and tonight he wants Smith to beg for every bit of it.

Smith let his head fall back once more, "Ahh... Oh god yes." He murmured.

Ross slowly started to kiss his way back up Smith's body. Stopping briefly to lick and suck his nipples, this part always made Smith crazy. Ross continued his way up licking his way to Smith's neck and ear. "Make some noise for me; show me how much you want it." Ross breathed into his ear. "I'm going to make you beg for it."

Smith felt Ross grab him and slowly start pumping; he let out a low moan, and bit his lip. He bucked up into Ross' hand when he felt Ross run his thumb over the tip. Smith was starting to feel a little drunk on the incredibly sexy things Ross was whispering into his ear, and the things he was doing with his hands was making him feel dizzy, he let his body sag just a bit against the door.

Ross ran his hand through Smith's wonderfully soft hair; tugging his head to the side he kissed Smith's neck, then biting lightly leaving a mark. "You sound so fucking good, all breathless from me." He said licking the shell of Smith's ear. "Tell me what you want, beg me for it." He added grinding his hips up into Smith. "Do you want me to fuck you, Alex?" he asked nibbling on his ear.

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