Drunk In Love (N)

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TW: Alcohol, Oral Sex

Alex takes a swig of his whiskey, it's his third, or maybe fifth? He isn't sure; he has a vague memory of Duncan buying him a glass of gin and tonic as well. However many drinks he's had they were well deserved, he's knackered after a day of signing and livestreaming. Not that he minds meeting fans, no that is why he goes to these events, but it was exhausting and he knows he'll fall asleep as soon as he gets back to his hotel room. Chris on the other hand seems very energetic, Alex can see him grinding on the dance floor together with Mark, and he isn't even as drunk as Alex is.

"Hey Smith!" Ross shouts through the loud bass, his face is flushed and his movements clumsy as he makes his way through the people towards Alex, needless to say he isn't sober either. Alex raises his glass, smiling at his friend. Ross had gone to try and chat up some girls, but considering he was alone it hadn't gone very well. Alex couldn't understand why, he was attractive, with his piercing blue eyes and cheeky smile, but he was pretty awkward in situations like that.

"Have you seen Trott?!" Ross says, his voice still raised. Alex nods and points towards Chris, taking another sip of his drink. Ross stands next to Alex, resting his elbow against the bar counter. An amused smile appears on Ross face when he sees Trott grinding, but quickly disappears when he discovers one of the girls he tried to flirt with dancing with another guy. Alex pats him on the back reassuringly, but secretly he's kind of happy that Ross didn't manage to hook up with anyone. The music shifts to another song and Ross starts to bob his head along to it.

"Do you like the music?" Alex ask and Ross frowns, leaning in closer.

"What?" Ross replies, gesturing at his ear. He can only hear Alex's words as a mumble between all the other sounds in the bar. Alex grabs his shoulder, moving his mouth closer to Ross' ear.

"I said, do you like the music?" he repeats.

"It's pretty good, bit too loud," Ross says, speaking back into Alex's ear. Alex has to admit the music is pretty catchy, and he sways his hips slightly in rhythm. He puts his lips even closer to Ross' ear. Ross feels his hot breath against his skin and rough stubble scratching his cheek.

"Do you wanna dance with me instead?" Alex asks quietly, nodding towards the dance floor. Alex smells heavily of whiskey and his musky aftershave and Ross licks his lips, reminding himself he is not attracted to his friend. It's a suggestion from sympathy and nothing more, he wants to accept the offer but he also doesn't want to make a fool of himself in front of Alex.

"I kinda suck though, I can't match Trott you know," Ross says, trying to convince himself it's a bad idea, even though the drunk side of his brain says go for it. Alex frowns in disbelief, Ross normally doesn't mind dancing and he doesn't understand why he's hesitating.

"That doesn't matter! You're not even close to Turps' level," Alex replies with an amused expression, pointing at the CEO. Ross smirks when he sees the man dance, a stranger might think Mark is drunk out of his mind but Ross knows from experience that he dances like that when sober as well.

"He looks like he's shat himself," Alex states, trying to motivate Ross and it works, he collapses in laughter. Ross has to balance himself on the taller man not to fall over, the alcohol making him clumsy. Catching his breath slightly and taking a swig of his beer, Ross manages to straighten himself.

"I think a midlife crisis dad at a barbeque party," Ross replies between bursts of giggles and this time it's Alex's turn to throw his head back and roar with laughter. They laugh together, well aware that their jokes weren't at all that funny, but every time they look in the direction of Mark they start giggling again. Kim walks past the two men, holding a drink in each of her hands. She slows down, throwing a glance at Ross and Alex.

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