Fusion (S)

251 6 1

TW: Set during the Trials Fusion Challenge

Half jogging around the wall of ramps, the stench of burning rubber and plastic nauseatingly pungent in the air, Ross struggles to keep the grin off of his face as he searches for his, Chris, and Alex's bike. The somewhat charred, mostly destroyed remains of Kenye Beardashian lay in a crumpled heap, but still Ross' resolve does not waver as he takes it in both hands and holds it triumphantly above his head.

"Yeah!!" He shouts, shaking the ruined toy bike above his head and trying valiantly to ignore the flakes of burnt plastic and paint falling into his hair and onto his shoulders. Directly in his eyeline, his background an animated scene of cheering Yogscast members and the blurry black smudges of camera equipment, Alex jumps over the lower ramps as a shortcut on his way over to Ross.

Beaming from ear to ear, almost a perfect mirror for Ross' own ecstatic expression Alex laughs breathlessly with his friend. Kenye's multicoloured remains cradled within Ross arms as he lowers them, Alex easily slips his hands into the curve of Ross' jaw; his thumbs brushing over Ross' temples as he tilts Ross' head back and kisses him firmly on the mouth.

Kenye's chassis squeaks as Ross' grip tightens, his lips moving softly against Alex's despite the fact that both of them are barely holding back over-the-moon smiles. Awkward coughing and nervously chuckled mutters replace the previous whoops and cheering from the other challenge teams, and Alex just about catches the sound of Turps joking about 'cutting this out' as he breaks away from Ross.

"Nice uh-" Alex stammers, suddenly catching up with reality as he realises what has just happened and brings his hands down from Ross' jaw to instead swing nervously at his sides. "Nice jump, mate..." Gesturing to the bike in Ross' arms, focusing on its ridiculous modifications rather than daring to look at Ross himself, Alex clears his throat and turns away.

"Let's have another go, shall we!" Alex shouts cheerily, making his way back over the ramps and breaking up the stunned near-silence amongst the other Yogscast members in the warehouse. With a chorus of excited sounds and cat-calls, the tension from Alex suddenly kissing one of his supposed best friends dissipates. With one glance over his shoulder at where Ross is carefully stepping over one of the ramps, Alex swallows his feelings and adopts a roguish grin.

"Alright, I'm uh- I'm ready when you are," Ross murmurs, his own grin shaky and unsure as it curls in Alex's direction. The kiss had left him reeling with even more happiness and heart-pounding adrenaline, until Alex had looked so suddenly panicked and turned away. Still, Ross reasons as he looks over to see Turps approaching with Tom and his camera in tow, it was something he would have to deal with later.

Credit to Smushfaace on Ao3

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