Over Your Dead Body (S)

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TW: Death Mention, Major Character Death, Angst

Ross sighed silently as he watched the rather tall ginger man from afar at the back of the classroom. He watched as he laughed at his friends jokes, the way he kept twirling his pencil through his lithe fingers, the way he ran his hands through his messy hair and then drummed them on the desk. He was beautiful. When the ginger man momentarily turned round and glanced at him, Ross' eyes darted away to the other side of the room, wondering if the man had seen him staring. He didn't want to look like a creep.

Ross bit his lip for the one hundredth time that morning and tried to concentrate on the lecture his professor was giving him about romance novels as he tried to take notes. He rolled his eyes as he was given another assignment and picked his stuff up from the floor, swinging his rucksack onto his back, without fully listening to the instructions that were given.

He had been enrolled at University now for over a year, each day was the same, go to class, take notes, stare at Alex Smith wishing he could talk to him but never do anything about it, leave. He kicked himself every time he got home, how hard could it be to talk to someone? He was the same age as him forgodsakes, it's not like they didn't have anything in common either.

The next day, Ross ambled through the door still half asleep after staying up all night playing video games on his computer. He lazily sat on his seat and lay his head on the cool desk, his cheeks touching the smooth wood beneath him. He could slowly feel his eyelids becoming heavy, so he snapped himself awake and sat up sharply, in a desperate attempt to wake himself up. He turned to his right and jumped a little when he saw his Professor standing there expectantly, staring at him in utter confusion.

"Did you not hear me last lecture Ross? This project has to be done in pairs, your partner is waiting for you over there." He spoke, wavering his arm the air and gesturing towards Alex. It was like a nightmare from Heaven. Ross blushed a little from embarrassment and mumbled an apology, clumsily picking his belongings. He pretty much dragged his rucksack to Alex's desk as he slumped himself down down opposite him, hardly looking him in his eyes. He looked completely different from this angle, more beautiful.

When he looked up a little, he was surprised to see Alex's hand extended out towards him. Ross did the polite thing and shook his hand, trying to calm the flutter of butterflies floating around in his stomach. Alex's hand was warm and soft, juxtaposing Ross' long and cold hands.

"I'm Alex Smith, you're Ross aren't you?" He smiled, withdrawing his hand back to his chest, leaning forward slightly on the desk. Ross nodded, returning the smile.

"Yeah, um, what was the project again?" He asked, laughing at his own forgetfulness, hoping Alex would see the funny side of it.

"We have to write about the chosen Romance novel and analyse the themes of love and how it relates to society and culture." He laughed, fetching the book out of his bag and dropping it on the table. The book was huge, it would take forever to read. Great.

Alex picked up his pen and started to subconsciously tap it on the desk as he rested his hand on his chin, challenging Ross' wicked sea-green eyes.

"Do you wanna get started on this book then, it's gonna take forever to read otherwise." Alex chuckled as he opened the front cover of the book.

Shit. The book. He'd forgotten to buy one.

"I've forgotten to buy one, I'm sorry." He apologised, biting his lip again as he always did when he was nervous.

"Well I guess we'll have to go down to the library and fetch one then." He shrugged, scooping up his satchel and throwing it onto his shoulder. Ross did the same with his rucksack and walked out with him, his lips barely letting a word out.

Thankfully the library was a short walk away off campus, leaving Ross to make small conversation about his life.

"Why do we have to do a Romance novel, they're so boring!" He whined, as he entered the library, swiping his card against the machine.

"They're alright actually, come on, follow me, it's over here somewhere" he grinned, gesturing towards the lonely part of the bookstore.

Ross had the urge to stroke the books as he passed, each spine telling a different story. He accidentally swung his rucksack against a shelf, causing a load of books to come crashing down on his head.

"Ouch!" He moaned, gasping at the mess that lay before him. Smith laughed, bending over double as he went to pick some books up.

The pair stood there restocking the shelves in silence, Alex stifling a laugh every time Ross rubbed the lump on his head.

They both bent down at the same time and reached for the same book, Alex's hand clamped over Ross', causing Ross to blush madly and drop the book again.

"Your hands are freezing mate!" Alex marvelled, holding Ross' hand again to double check he was correct, only making Ross blush a further shade of red.

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