Follow My Lead (N)

665 21 1

TW: Make outs and dry humping

"Smith I-"

"It's fine, Ross," the redhead whispered, looking up at Ross and grinning cheekily, his cheeks bunching up along with his lips.

Ross took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest and his stomach churning in a strange way. He couldn't help it, he felt on edge, sitting on the roof with his legs dangling over the side, the fabric of his jeans occasionally catching on the concrete he sat upon. His converse hit the brick wall underneath the concrete awning he sat upon, creating a quiet thudding sound that was drowned out by the wind.

The night air surrounded them, the sky a deep blue with stars sparkling above them. The moon was full, blotches of an off-white color visible on the milky surface. It reminded him of splashes of paint, similar to the ones Smith would create in art class when he was bored as opposed to actually painting anything.

He looked over, his hot breath hitching in his throat at the sight of Smith. The young man looked down below them, his hands clutched on the edge of the building and his flannel flowing behind him in the wind, showing off the black shirt below it. Even that was riding up just slightly, showing the bottom of his stomach.

The dark-haired man blushed, quickly averting his gaze up to his face instead, studying the redhead's smile and look of interest as he studied the street below. Cars passed by quietly, no honking, only the sound of wind rushing past them.

They were two stories up, sitting on the roof of the old abandoned apartment complex a block away from their school. Ross blushed, remembering when he had accepted to invitation to the inevitable make-out spot for teenagers that lived nearby. He knew what they would do here, not that he was complaining at all, although he felt like his stomach might implode at any given moment.

"It's very nice out," Smith chuckled, his voice bringing Ross out of his own thoughts.

"Uh- Uh yeah," Ross stammered, the cool air around him a comfortable presence. He was wrapped up in a navy blue hoodie, a green shirt peeking out from underneath the frayed edges of the collar. The actual hood flapped in the wind gently, a constant reminder that it was there.

"Are you nervous or something," the boy chuckled, staring over at Ross with a smirk on his lips. He looked like it, or at least to Smith he did. His cheeks were flushed, and he seriously doubted it was from the slight chill of the air. He just looked tense, his shoulders gripping the concrete behind him tightly, the way his knees were pressed against the edge of the building as if he was afraid of falling.

Ross didn't answer though, instead turning his head to look at Smith. His blue eyes were darker in the night, the stars and the moon the only light around them, the only thing illuminating his pale skin and tangle of red hair atop his head.

"So, you are then?"

Ross nodded. "Can you blame me," he muttered, his cheeks feeling hot at the sudden attention from the redhead.

"I s'posse not, although you have nothing to worry about," Smith smiled, scooting closer to Ross, his jeans scratching along the concrete as he did so. He brought his hand to lightly trace over Ross', his fingers trembling slightly under his touch.

Ross bit his lip, not allowing himself to look over at the boy. He was definitely too good-looking for his own good, although honestly he wouldn't mind staring at him for hours upon hours. Not to mention his somewhat charming personality, the audacious flirt and the sickeningly sweet smile that made Ross' heart thump in his chest.

"You ever, done this before," Smith asked, his voice quiet and much louder in his ear. Ross could feel his warmth besides him, the way he leaned on his arm and pushed them together.

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