Why Do You Love Me? (S)

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TW: None

"Smith?" Ross was lying curled up against Smith's side with his head on his chest and was drawing little hearts and circles on his skin absentmindedly with his finger.

"Umhmm?" Smith replied. Smith was on his back, left arm up under his head and the other draped over Ross' shoulder, playing with his hair.

"Why did you fall in love with me?" Ross asked tilting his head slightly to look up at Smith.

Smith smiled down at Ross "Have you seen yourself mate? You're fucking hot."

Ross put his face down onto Smith's chest and huffed out a little laugh. "No, really?" He said looking back up at Smith with a grin. "Why do you love me?"

"I'm being serious mate, you are one sexy man." Smith said with a smile. "Well that and you like me too, oh and you put up with my shit. Not many people would." He leaned down and kissed Ross' forehead, pulling back a little he added "You're stuck with me man; I don't think I could ever give you up, even if I tried."

Ross leant up and planted a kiss to Smith's lips. Smith rolled them over and straddle Ross' legs, kissing him deeply he ran his tongue across Ross 'bottom lip. Ross parted his lips to let him in and let a little sigh break through the kiss.

Smith leant up onto one elbow and slowly ran his other hand down Ross' chest and stomach, watching his face for any discomfort, seeing none he let his hand slid under Ross' shirt, letting it skim lightly across his skin. Ross took a shuddering gasp and moaned out Smith's name. Smith let his eyes wonder over Ross' body then back up to his face, "You are so beautiful, you know that?" He said looking into Ross' eyes. He leant down and captured his lips again with an opened mouthed kiss. Ross wrapped his arms around Smith and kissed back hard.

Just as things were starting to get heated Smith's phone chimed. "Damn it." Pulling back from the kiss, he grabbing his phone from the nightstand, and looked to see who it was. "It's my mom, I have to take this." He said with a sigh.

Ross tried to slow his breathing and ran a hand through his hair. "Yeah... Sure go on." He said taking a deep breath.

"Hey mom what's up? Well I have company right now." Smith said smiling down at Ross. "No it's not Trott." Smith rolled his eyes and used his hand like a puppet like someone talking too much.

Ross covered his mouth and giggled a little. With his other hand he gave Smith a light slap on the arm and mouthed "Stop"

"No mom, it's Ross. What? no. Are you sure? Well... okay then, be there in fifteen. Yep... Love you too mom. Okay. Bye" With a deep sigh Smith hung up the phone and looked down at Ross. "Well she wants us to come to the Café and have lunch with her."

About twenty minutes later they were standing outside the Café. Ross ran a hand through his hair nervously. "What if she doesn't like me?" He asked looking up at Smith, worry on his face.

"She is going to love you, just like I do." Smith replied grabbing both of Ross' hands with his own and kissing his knuckles. "Now just remember she doesn't know about all the magic shit. So don't say anything about that." He gave Ross hands a small reassuring squeeze. "Just relax and be yourself." He leaned in and kissed Ross forehead. "Ready?" he asked.

Ross took a deep breath and slowly let it out. "I guess... Yes... OK let's do this." He replied smiling up at Smith.

Smith leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on the lips, "It's going to be fine" And with one more quick kiss he lead Ross into the Café.

As they entered, Ross clutched Smith's arm for a little added support. He let his eyes wander looking for a place to sit.

Smith gave him a small tug and pointed over to an empty booth at the far end of the Café. They walked over and sat down. Smith grabbed a menu and handed it to Ross, "Here you go, have a look and get whatever you want."

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