Be My Valentine? (S)

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TW: Fluffs

Smith sat crossed legged on his bed strumming out a few nonsense chords on his guitar, his fingers lazily moving along the frets in a melodic, almost pixie-like tune. He had his lamp on instead of the normal light so a soft yellow glow cast over him illuminating part of his room, the other left in a half shadow. He muttered along happily to the silly tune, repeating his strums while he swayed a little in time to his melody. Today was valentines day, specifically the day he had avoided going outside on for almost 3 years. The reason? Ross. He didn't know when his feelings had crept up on him and neither did he know why, but every time he was near Ross he felt a giddy rush of happiness and just had to look into his pretty blue eyes, his dark hair and his heavenly smile – just thinking about Ross made Smith lose track of his playing, his fingers drawing to a stop as a meek smile spread on his cheeks.

A soft knock at his door pulled him out of his stupor and he laid his guitar down on the bed beside him, calling for which of the two he lived with to come on in.

Ross popped his head around the door with a smile, a silly chefs hat on his head almost falling off with the movement in a heart melting moment of ditzyness and Smith hoped the light didn't show the flush he swear brushed his cheeks.

"Dinner, is served."


"Well, Trott's off with his girlfriend and we have the place to ourselves, so, dinner."

"What you getting at mate, you want in my pants eh?" Smith said with a smile, too lazy to shout and grit his teeth.

"Wha- no, Smith it's not- I mean-" Ross stuttered, eyes casting down. Smith watched him and breathed deeply, Ross was just too adorable for his own good.

"I was just messing Ross, I'll be down in a sec." Smith said, and as he heard Ross go downstairs he willed his heart to stop jumping erratically as a blush spread on his cheeks.

Smith went downstairs when he felt his chest wasn't fluttering as much as it had been doing a minute ago. It was stupid really, it was only dinner with Ross. Just because it was valentines day didn't mean that it was a romantic meal, it was a meal between two friends who would, obviously, stay friends. 

Having a crush on your friend was one thing, but Ross was also a workmate, no love story was gonna happen there and even if there was a chance – there really wasn't. There hadn't been much discussion of sexuality so Smith just assumed Ross was straight, unlike himself who was probably as gay as they came.

AS he came downstairs though, Ross was stood in front of the closed kitchen door. His apron and hat were gone and he stood with a smile.


"Actually, I erm...I. Jesus."

"Whatever you've done Jesus isn't gonna help you." Smith said cautiously while Ross laughed nervously.

"Hmm. Actually, I have a better idea than my last idea. Close your eyes."

"What are you-"

"Close them."

"Okay." Smith said, then closed his eyes. A few seconds passed and he felt Ross's hand cover his face. He stiffened a gasp and ignored the butterflies in his stomach and focused on walking forwards until he felt Ross stop, his hand tugging on his face a little. Ross's hands left his face,

"But wait! One more Open!"

Smith opened his eyes and what he saw stunned him. The table had a white silk cloth draped over it, a rose laid in the middle with petals scattered around in a carefully manner. A bottle of wine was also by the rose, between two plates of the most amazing looking steak, plated in a meticulous manner that made it look perfect. Ross was stood by a chair, shyly looking down with a dazzlingly hopeful Alex felt himself choke up, and his brain raced ahead of his heart while he tried to catch up to what Ross had done.

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