An Unfortunate Meeting (S)

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TW: Claustrophobia 

Ross Hornby worked at First City Bank, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Up the lift in the morning, down the lift for lunch, back up to his office and back down again to go home. There were the usuals he met everyday at these times, mixed with the nervous folks going to get loans and mortgages.

Today was no different. He was waiting for the lift after eating some lunch at a deli he visited regularly. Normally Derek from accounting would be here as well; he always took his lunch at the same time, but today he wasn't here. Instead, a loan applicant (he could tell from the nervous pulling at the suddenly-too-tight button down shirt collar) stood next to him. The suit looked good on him, but the auburn-haired and bearded man looked uncomfortable in it. The bell dinged, signalling the arrival of the lift; Ross let the poor lad go in first. The man stood towards the back of the lift, away from the buttons, so Ross stood towards the buttons. "Which floor?" he asked the stranger, accidentally startling him.

"Oh, um, five," the man stuttered. Ross nodded and pushed the button, then pushed his floor button, seven. The lift started with a bit of a jolt, making the nervous man inhale sharply. The jolt caught Ross off guard too; normally this lift was smooth, but he didn't think too much about it. When they passed the third floor, however, a loud grind shocked both the men. "What the-" the stranger spat, cut off by the lift suddenly halting. Half of the lights went off in the lift, and something outside screeched. "" the stranger mumbled, backing into a corner. The shift in weight made the lift drop slightly, making Ross's side lower. Both men near shrieked at the movement, cowering in opposite corners.

"Don't worry," Ross tried to assure the now full on sweating man who was hugging his knees to his chest, struggling to catch his own breath. Ross was still next to the buttons; once his brain realized it, he pushed the phone shaped button.

"The firefighters are already on their way, I just called them. Is everyone ok in there?" a voice asked through the speaker next to the button. Though it was low quality, Ross identified it as Sean, one of the secretaries that manned the front desk.

"Yeah," Ross responded, looking over to the terrified man in the corner.

"Good. Just sit tight, they'll have you out in no ti-" the voice cut as the lift shifted again, further lowering Ross's side, the slant visibly noticeable now as Ross had to look up slightly at the stranger. The man in the corner whimpered, scared out of his mind, his head now down behind his knees.

"Are you ok?" Ross whispered, not wanting to startle the man anymore. The man looked up at Ross, his face red. He seemed to contemplate his response before settling with shaking his head. Ross decided to slowly scoot his way to the man, hoping concentrating the weight wouldn't move the already slanted lift. The lift stayed as it was, letting him slide all the way next to the man who had watched him move over. Ross smiled at him, attempting to make the man feel comfortable.

"Cl...claustrophobia," the stranger explained. Ross now understood the man's hysteria, though he seemed to have calmed slightly now that Ross was next to him. Ross nodded in understanding.

"What's your name?" Ross queried, trying to get the man's mind off his fears.

"Smith," the man answered.

"I'm Ross," he responded, offering his hand to the man out of habit. Smith looked confused at first, but shook his hand. "What do you like to do for fun, Smith?"

"Um, well, I like to sing, and play guitar," Smith said. "I also play airsoft sometimes."

"I play piano, and video games, when I'm not stuck at the office," Ross remarked. Smith perked up when Ross mentioned video games.

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