Hot Water (N)

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TW: Fluff and Smut, RPS

Ross turns on the water and drops his clothes on the bathroom floor before slipping under the hot spray.

He sighs happily, letting the warmth untie his tense back after being seated for hours and his mind quickly wanders to his redheaded friend, gone to stay with his family over the holiday.

His heart clenches when he thinks at how much he misses him. Misses his presence, his voice, his touch. Everything about him really. Thank God, Smith was coming back later tonight.

It had only been a month that, after a particularly drunken night out, they had fallen in bed together. The night after and almost every night since then, Smith had sneak up in Ross' bedroom, only to leave at the early hours of the morning, to avoid raising suspicion from their third housemate.
They had decided to keep it secret, as it would only complicated things before they even had the chance to understand what was really going on between them.

Ross sights again, but heavily this time. How could he tell his best friend he wants so much more, that when Smith leaves his bed in the morning, Ross' heart aches a bit more every time, that he wants to be able to kiss him, to touch him all day.
But the last thing he wants is to scare Smith away so he decides not to tell him anything just yet.

Lost in his troubled thoughts, Ross doesn't hear the shower door open but he definitely feels the wave of cold caressing his back for a few seconds before being replaced by the wonderful warmth of a strong body against him.
Ross' heart skips when he feels callous hands running against his stomach and he shivers under the touch of soft lips and rough stubble on his neck.

"Hey gorgeous." murmurs Smith, his raspy voice muffled by Ross' wet skin.

"Hey." replies Ross in a breath.

"Fuck I missed you." moans Smith, pressing himself hard against Ross' rear. And Ross can't help himself but reciprocates his moans when he's suddenly aware of the hot and tense skin of Smith's erection rubbing against his lower back.

He tries to catch his breath before replying: "I missed you too, mate."

Smith chuckles in his neck and after leaving a trail of kisses along Ross' shoulder, he whispers in his ear.

"I couldn't stop thinking about you all week."

Ross has to catch himself with both hands on the steamy shower panel as his knees grow weak at Smith's confession.

"I. can't . stop . thinking . about . you. Ross." repeats Smith as he peppers kisses along the dark haired man's spine and runs his hands along his chest.
Ross moans and goose bumps run along his arms, a reaction he quickly attributes to the fact he's no longer under the hot water spray, dismissing the more probable cause of Smith's body pressed against his own and Smith whispering to him exactly what he's been dying to hear.
He shakes his head to clear his mind.

"Fuck Smith, we're going to get caught."

"Don't worry, Trott left to the shop, we have time." purrs Smith into his ear. "God, a week is way too long to spent without you."

Ross can't help the whimper that escapes his lips at Smith's words.

"Smith I need to..." He starts, wanting to say the words he promised himself not to say only a few minutes ago but his mind goes suddenly blank as one of Smith's hands grips his hip as the other grabs Ross' length and starts stroking it languidly.
Ross moans deeply and leans back in Smith's arms, the bearded man taking the opportunity to fit his cock between his cheeks and rubbing hard against him, sending hot waves of pleasure through Ross' body.

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