5 Kisses (N)

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TW: Alcohol, Dry Humping, Slight Angst

~Chapter One: First Kiss

Alex coughed and blinked a couple of times, his throat burning from the strong alcohol. Sparkles* raised his empty shot glass triumphantly, accompanied by cheers from the rest of the table. Alex slumped back against the back of the booth, feeling sour about his loss. It should have been an easy win, Sparkles* had bet he could drink five shots of rum faster than him and Alex had taken the bet without hesitation. Now he'd gotten a dent in his pride in front of his friends, undoubtedly it would lead to taunts and jokes over the following week, though usually it was soon forgotten. Although he got a proud smile from Ross across the table so at least he wasn't laughing at his demise.

"Okay since I won, I get to punish you," Sparkles* stated, causing Alex to sigh with the hope it wouldn't be more liquor. The victor grinned smugly and squinted his eyes, thinking about what could be a suitable penalty for losing. Gaze moving across the table, from Alex to the others and the empty glasses and back to Alex again, Sparkles* deliberately made them all wait.

"I want you... To kiss Trott!" Sparkles* said with a grin, pointing at the confused brunet. Alex laughed nervously and stared at Sparkles*, not sure if the singer had been serious or not. He was drunk but not that drunk, especially not drunk enough to do it in front of people. Chris made a disgusted face and waved his hands in front of his face.

"No way, no way! Pick Ross instead!" Chris exclaimed and Ross gaped at him with betrayal in his eyes. Sparkles* looked amused at the three suddenly very awkward men, pleased with his choice of punishment. Parv leaned towards Alex, pouting and smacking his lips together as to imitate a kiss, attempting to annoy him. It worked and Alex could feel his cheeks heat up, fortunately the dim lighting in the bar concealed it for the most part.

"Yeah sure. Smith you kiss Ross, properly." Sparkles* said, crossing his arms.

"What!?" Ross shouted, but the demanding look on Sparkles*' face made him accept his fate. Alex shuffled out of the large booth, there was a buzzing feeling in his stomach and he was pretty sure it wasn't caused by the alcohol. Giggles accompanied him as he took the two steps to Ross' side of the table. They locked their gaze with each other and Alex could to his surprise see determination in Ross' blue eyes. Ross stood up, making it easier for Alex to step in close.

"Okay let's do this," Alex said and Ross replied with a quick nod. This was not unusual, kisses were often shared between the group of friends, for dares, for shocking factor, in drunken haze, so there was no reason for Alex to feel nervous. Sam was still sitting trapped beneath them and huffed discontent when Alex gripped Ross by the shoulders taking a deep breath to prepare himself. His eyes darted to Ross' lips and the dark-haired man licked them unconsciously. The feeling in his stomach was suddenly much more prominent and Alex swallowed hard. Shouts from their friends asked them to hurry up, causing the dark-haired man to flip them off with his finger. Alex gave him a quick smile, looking into Ross' eyes before getting it over with.

His lips were wet and tasted like beer, cheers burst out around the table, but the sound was filtered out together with the other noises in the bar. All of Alex's senses were focused on the man wrapping his hand around his neck and pulling him closer. Alex would later tell himself and others that he'd tried to resist it at first, but the truth was that Ross dragged him down into that swirling pool of desire with ease. Thoughts clouded with liquor they forgot about the others for a second, the heat of their bodies contributing to the intense sensation of lips against lips. A kick on Alex's shin made him pull back like he'd been stung, pushing Ross away from him. Sam coughed discreetly and Alex realised everyone was staring at him and Ross with various degrees of confusion. Giving Ross a quick apologetic look, Alex shuffled back into his seat sheepishly. His eyes caught Chris' for a second, the brunet smirked and winked at him, confusing Alex at first before it became clear to him why Chris had been protesting so violently earlier. Alex's mutter of 'little shit' was abruptly cut off by Ross' loud laughter and suddenly Alex was lost in his thoughts again, unable to focus on anything but those pink lips he'd been kissing earlier.

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