Were You Dazzled By The Same Constellation? (S)

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TW: Swearing, Teen!Cast

"Hurry up!" Smith yelled back to Ross and Trott as he ran up the driveway towards a house with loud music blasting outside. Ross and Trott looked at each other with worry. They both didn't really like parties but Smith had been so excited about this one that he wouldn't take no for an answer and honestly it didn't take long for either boy to cave. You couldn't help but love Smith when he was excited. He was basically like a huge dog in that way.

"Guess we better head inside before he comes and tells us off."

Ross nodded at Trott and the pair entered the house. Inside the music was even louder and it was almost pitch black apart from a few flashing coloured lights coming from the living room.

"There you twats are!" Both boys turned their heads towards the kitchen to the side of the entrance and saw Smith, who was trying to pick up three plastic cups of alcohol.

"Come get your drinks will ya."

Trott sighed and both he and Ross walked over to Smith and took the drinks he had poured for them. They both took a sip as they watched Smith skull his entire cup.

"Slow down their mate. I don't want to be looking after you as you throw up again."
Smith glared at Trott before pouring himself another drink, using an appropriate amount of alcohol.

"Relax Trotty. We're 17! Let's just enjoy the party."

Ross looked down at his drink and then at Trott. They looked each other in the eyes before Trott gave Ross a nod.

"Well, bottoms up then."

In sync, Ross and Trott rose their cups and drank the content. It was a strong mix that had Ross choking a little.

"Ross I think you may need to slow down a bit."
Smith smirked at Ross who simply pulled the finger and whispered "Cunt" under his breath.

"Right let's get to it boys!"

Smith patted his two best friend on the shoulder and then chugged down his current drink.


One hour and a few drinks later Ross was very bored and very tipsy. Smith had wondered off almost admittedly, getting invested in some drinking game Ross didn't understand and about half an hour ago Trott had spotted Katie and had left him to see her. Ross swirled around the liquid in the cup in his hand as he debated whether to stay or just go home. He knew Smith would be upset if he left and he hated the idea of upsetting Smith. But then again it wasn't like Smith was even hanging out with him. Why did he even drag him along if he was just going ditch him the first chance he got. Slightly angry, Ross put his cup on the ground and stood up. As he turned around he crashed into Smith and would of landed on his arse if Smith hadn't been surprisingly quick and grabbed Ross' arm. Ross pulled his arm out of Smith's grip and composed himself.

"There you are! Listen, a bunch of us are going to play seven minutes in heaven spin the bottle style up stairs and we want you to join."

The anger Ross held for Smith just moments ago had disappeared and he couldn't help but return the smile Smith was giving him.

"Uh yeah sure. Beats just sitting here bored."

Ross followed Smith upstairs into what he assumed was a spare room that only held a single bed and a small set of draws on the right side of the room. The rest of the room was filled with about ten other people all in a circle around an empty beer bottle.

"Smith buddy, you are just in time to kick this whole thing off!"

"I'm so honored."

Smith headed towards the guy that had called out to him, someone that Ross didn't recognize and sat down. Ross awkwardly looked about the circle for an empty space and saw a girl from his math class pat an empty space to her left so he sat there. 

Big Book Of Smornby One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें