The Honest Drunk (S)

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TW: Mentions of Alcohol and Vomit


"mmmfffphh" Alex frustratingly mumbles into his pillow while facing away from the smaller man perching on his bed. Chris rolls his eyes, tutting while prodding the back of the grumpy sleep ridden Smith only provoking more unimpressed grumbles.

"Smith come on, for God sake, wake up."

"Ughh." Smith carefully moves onto his back and turns his head to look at Trott, his eyes are narrowed and he winces at the light intensity coming from the bedroom window, which makes his head thump even worse than it already was. "I feel like utter shit."

"Yeah that's what usually happens when you're an utter twat who drinks stupid amounts of piss."

"Pretty sure it was alcohol mate"

"It tasted like fucking piss."

Alex debated backfiring with a witty comment about how Chris would know all about what tasting piss was like but his head was spinning and he felt as if he could throw up any second, so turning the conversation into a battle of one ups probably wasn't a good idea. The less talking, the better.

Smith moaned again, running a hand through his hair and squeezing his eyes closed tightly.

For once, Trott actually pitied him. Yes he was an absolute idiot and it definitely was his own fault and serves him right for consuming the mass amount of alcohol he did, he should be lucky he didn't end up in hospital with alcohol poisoning or something but Alex Smith will be Alex Smith, which also meant he had the ability to tug at heart strings when he isn't his full idiotic self.

"I'll get you a glass of water and some toast."


From downstairs, Trott had just finished buttering the toasted bread and went to get a glass from the top cupboard shelf. Above him he heard smith get out of bed, and footsteps run from his room to another which he assumed to be the bathroom - his assumption indeed proved to be correct when he heard the faint noise of vomiting followed by a toilet flushing. His face turned to disgust at the audio. After pouring the water, he made his way back upstairs to see Alex sitting upright in his bed. He looked as if he had slightly more colour in his face, but no where near was he everyday smith.

Entering the room, Chris passed the glass to Alex, giving him a faint sympathetic smile which he returned. He placed the plate of toast on the bed side table then sat back down on the side of the bed.

"Thanks mate."

"S'alright. How you feeling?"

"A little better getting that out my system, but still shitty. Pretty sure I'm never drinking again."

"Pft yeah right smith, how much do you want to bet on that one?"

Smith simply chuckled lightly, taking a sip of his drink. He pulled a face at the liquid, looking into the glass, but shrugged. The question Trott then asked caught him off guard, he jumped slightly at the sound of Trott's voice.

"We need to talk about last night."

"What about it? Did I say something?"


Smith smirked and snorted quietly.

"Did I declare my love for you mate?"

"Not exactly-"

"Something about me wanting to bang you?"

"No- fuck sake, shut up, it weren't about me Smith, it was about Ross."

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