That Happened (N)

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TW: Sex, Rimming

Alex breathed out and let himself collapse back on the bed with a whump. The bed creaked in protest, loud in the sudden silence. Beside him Ross shifted and rolled over onto his back. They sprawled there, staring up at the ceiling. Neither could quite bring themselves to look at the other.

"Did we just..." Ross licked his lips and focused on the faint lines in the ceiling.

"Yeah I think we did."


It had all started when Ross came out of the shower, wearing only a towel wrapped around his waist. On his way up to his own room, Alex had done a double take and stumbled a step backwards.

"Steady on there," Ross snorted. He tried to push his way past. Alex whistled, loud in the hallway.

"Have you been working out?" Without no consideration for personal space, he reached out to touch the pale plane of Ross' stomach. The dark haired man swore and jumped, nearly losing his grip on the slate grey towel.

"Smith!" he backed up, hitting the wall by his door.

"Looks good," Alex responded a bit feebly. He jerked his hand back and rubbed it through his hair instead. His hair stuck up, fluffy and ridiculous.

"Thanks, I guess." Ross licked his lips and shifted his weight from foot to foot. He was aware of how close they were standing and how very little separated them. Don't think about it, he told himself firmly. Don't. Just don't. Don't think.


With a jerk, he realized that he'd been staring at Alex without speaking for who knows how long.


"You alright?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, I ..." Ross trailed off. Was he imagining any of this? This is not how he usually imagined it when he jerked off in the shower. But Alex was looking at him so intently in the poorly lit hallway and he still hadn't moved away.

"Do you-" Alex glanced over his shoulder and then leaned forward just a step more into Ross' space. "Do you think... I mean- can- can I-"

Ross held his breath, unsure what Alex's stumbling question might really be and not daring to hope it was what it sounded like.

"Oh fuck it," Alex groaned and pressed his lips to Ross' mouth in a hasty kiss. It was softer than Ross expected, almost gentle. Without thinking, he leaned into Alex and let his lips part. It was all the encouragement the other man needed to close the distance between them.

Ross had definitely not started this day with the expectation that Alex would push him up against a wall and kiss him until he could barely breathe.

"Smith," he gasped.

"What?" the other man whispered.

"Get out of the hallway before Trott comes through here." Clutching at the towel, he pulled the other man towards his room. He'd barely locked the door behind them before Alex was on him again.

"What are we doing?"

"Making out."

"How long- I mean, have you..."

"Way, way too long."

"You know, it is just a little awkward that I'm stuck in a towel and you're fully dressed." Ross raised his eyebrows, hoping Alex would take the hint to at least let him get partially dressed. Instead he smirked and yanked his shirt over his head. Ross' breath caught when the other man began unbuckling his belt.

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