What Happens In Vegas (S)

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TW: Mentions of alcohol and vomiting. Things get pretty intense but nothing explicit. Based on Minecon Diary Day 5

"Come on, Ross." Alex drawls, leaning back on his hands and kicking his feet out to cause a splash in the hot tub. Trousers rolled up to his knees, shirt undone more buttons than really necessary, Alex wavers on the spot and grins sloppily up at Ross' amused smirk. Arms neatly folded across his chest, cheeks flushed with alcohol and bottom lip pulled between his teeth, Ross raises his eyebrows.

"No thanks, mate. After almost getting pushed in the pool, I'm okay with not getting my feet wet." Ross explains, casting an amused glance over to Josh who grins in response and leans his elbows forwards on his knees. Ross still isn't sure what to make of him, and finds himself oddly disenchanted with the guy despite the fact that he has done nothing to displease him. Upon Ross bringing up the strange dislike, Chris had smirked and commented about it being because of his flirting with Alex; something which Ross had met with a bemused glare and unthinking denial. Alex could flirt with whoever he liked, as far as Ross was concerned.

Back in the present, Alex shrugs and looks back down to where the water is bubbling around his feet. As he wriggles his toes amongst the bubbles, he tries not to think about how much the world seems to be constantly trying to move sideways in his vision and instead perks his head up at the sound of a familiar tune vibrating off of the walls of the nightclub.

"Aww, mate! I love this song!" Without thinking Alex pulls his legs out of the tub, splashing Ross and Josh in the process and wobbling slightly on the edge. Ross throws out an arm to steady Alex, gripping tight on his shoulder until Alex is stabilised and grinning at him. Alex leans his head against Ross' without thinking, his eyes creasing at the corners as his smile widens and his hand comes up to rest on Ross' forearm.

A pulse of something passes between them; making Ross blush and Alex stammer over words that never fully make it over his lips as he suddenly jerks back and chuckles nervously. Patting Ross on the arm playfully, Alex laughs and says something about going back to the dance floor as he stumbles on ahead. When Ross glances over at Josh again, he feels slightly flustered when he catches the smirk on his face and turns away to follow Alex.

Heavy electronic music thrums through the crowd of convention goers and patrons alike; a writhing pit of sweat, alcohol and half-shouted voices. Alex is a swirl of auburn curls and straight teeth, and though Josh somehow gets separated from Ross and Alex in the fray of constantly moving, claustrophobic-close bodies, Ross finds himself too distracted by Alex Smith to care.

"Where did Josh go?!" Alex shouts next to Ross' ear, his body dizzyingly close and his breath intrusively warm against the side of Ross' neck. Ross shrugs when Alex pulls back, his face a furrowed mess of confusion, and tries not to think about the sticky heat of Alex's hand still clasped around his wrist.

"Think we lost him!!" Ross yells back over the too-loud music and waves his hand in a vague direction away from the crowd. Alex shrugs, hand coming easily around to rest in the dip of Ross' waist and his grin blindingly close by.

"Ah, well. He can look after himself, I'm sure!" Alex beams, pulling Ross close and dipping his head to speak into Ross' ear again. "Dance with me!" Bouncing eccentrically on the spot in time with the music, Alex pushes his hair away from his forehead and grins breathlessly at Ross when Ross chuckles and shrugs.

They dance like every other couple or group of friends, jumping and jigging to the rhythm of the music whilst trying to avoid getting too knocked about by the rest of the crowd. Thankfully, being tall has its advantages and so they manage to not get separated - as they had done with Chris earlier that night. Seeing him walking, or rather staggering, off in the hands of several other YouTubers they had become acquainted with had put them at ease in the sudden wash of panic; figuring that they'd see him some time in the coming morning anyway.

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