This Is What Dreams Are Made Of (N)

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TW: Smut, Fluff and Smut, Anal Sex, Sex, Sexual Content, Explicit Sexual Content, Sexual Tension, Rough Sex, Public Sex

Ross licked his lips for what seemed like the thousandth time that minute to Smith. He'd never noticed it before but after what Trott had said earlier it was all he could think about.

You see, Trott had approached Smith when Ross quickly nipped out to use the bathroom. Smith had been editing one of their most recent GTA V videos when a light tap on his shoulder urged him to turn around. One of his best friends stood before him with one of his looks on his face. Smith couldn't find the words to describe the face he did - maybe shit-eating described it the best - but what he heard next had affected his entire work day.

"Hey, Smiffy?" Trott had began with a smirk on his face, "You know Ross?"

"Uh, yeah?" Smith replied, feeling uneasy. His friend knew of the huge crush Smith had on Ross and he wouldn't ever let him live it down.

Trott had found out when Smith had got particularly drunk at a convention they went to about a year ago. While Ross was at the bar ordering another beer, Smith turned to Trott and essentially described in painstaking detail how he wanted to fuck their dark-haired friend. Pulling his hair, over a desk, against a wall, looking straight into his blue eyes and watching his head fall back in utter bliss. Of course, he didn't remember this in the morning but Trott had assured him that it happened, remaining adamant when he flushed furiously and tried desperately to deny it and blame it on the alcohol.

"Just, watch Ross' lips for me, okay?" The brunets teeth showed slightly as he chuckled and turned back to his desk, continuing with whatever he was doing.

Not thinking anything major of it, Smith put his headphones back over his ears and returned to his editing. However when Ross came back into the room and took his seat next to Smith again it all went wrong. He took one glimpse at his friends mouth and he was out of it.

Smith watched as Ross ran his tongue across his lips, slatheting a wet layer on top before pressing them together tightly. Smith's thoughts trailed off. He imagined how perfect they would look all kiss-stained by Smith, how pretty they would look wrapped around his dick, how they could kiss all over Smith's body, leaving moist patches in their wake...

All of a sudden, his jeans felt a lot tighter than they had just a minute ago; before Ross had come back. He flushed totally in an instant.

Jumping from his seat, he began to pace around in a small circle before settling in one place, facing Ross, hands covering his crotch area cleverly.

"Ross?" He spoke, annoyance slick in his voice.

"Hmm?" Ross hummed in reply, almost sounding like a moan, sending a jolt of arousal straight down to Smith's cock.

"Can you please stop doing that?" He asked, narrowing his eyes.

In genuine confusion, Ross turned his chair to face his auburn-haired friend, "Stop what?" He licked his lip nervously.

"That. Right there." Smith growled out though gritted teeth, "That fucking lip thing." He motioned to the shorter man's lips.

Trott was watching intently, waiting for his cue to leave; that it was a job well done.

Ross' tongue darted out anxiously, wetting his lips once more before he started to speak. However, no words came out as he was swiftly pulled from his seat and pushed into a nearby wall. Before he could move, Smith had put a hand to either side of his head. Blue met blue as their eyes found each other and, for a split second, Ross saw the darkness hovering in his friend's eyes. In a flash, Smith's lips were on Ross' hungrily searching for ssomething unknown and Trott took the opportunity to slip quietly out of the room.

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