Pub (S)

247 10 1

TW: AU, Alcohol

"Just gonna get myself a drink, alright?" Ross rests the back of his hand against Chris' arm to keep his attention; Chris already turning away with the rest of their work colleagues to get seated at their booth. Chris nods, a grin across his face, and maneuvers his way through the pub. Shaking his head with a smile at the flashing Christmas tree on the back of Chris' jumper, Ross turns to the bar and finds himself momentarily stunned when he comes face-to-face with the bartender.

"Hey, what can I get you?" Startling blue eyes, illuminated by the fairy lights tangled between the beer taps, seem to sparkle as they meet Ross'. The man is, without doubt, ridiculously handsome to the point that, when Ross is too busy gawking to respond, he has to wave a hand in front of Ross' face.

"Hello?" A grin, wide and curled at the corners, seems more friendly than mocking but it still snaps Ross from his admiration of the bartender's facial features. Jumping a little and steadying himself on the edge of the bar, Ross feels himself flush and smiles sheepishly back.

"Hey, sorry, I uh- can I have..." Drawing out his words, Ross flicks his gaze across the blackboards behind the bartender, listing the pub's specialities - most of them containing at least one type of whiskey. Frowning indecisively, biting at his bottom lip in concentration, Ross struggles to decide on what to have.

The bartender leans close, resting an elbow on the bar as he follows Ross' gaze and skims over the menu he is extremely familiar with, having been the person who wrote it in the first place. When he speaks in a smooth, even tone, Ross feels a rush of attraction when he looks back down at the bartender and notices how close he is. The shadow of stubble accentuates the man's jaw, Ross can't help but notice.

"I'd recommend The Highlander," Slowly turning his head to look around at Ross, the appreciative look that the bartender gives him is not missed. Ross' face only darkens with a blush, smile turning shy as the man continues. "If you ask me, it tastes as good as you look, mate."

Ross laughs nervously, feeling his mouth go dry when the bartender turns completely to lean over the bar at him. Briefly his eyes flick over the other man's lips and Ross wonders what they feel like. "I'll have one of those then, uh-"

"I'm Smith, by the way," The barman - Smith - straightens up and smiles flirtatiously at Ross as he extends a hand for him to shake, "Alex Smith." Ross swallows, hard, and takes the hand offered to him whilst not breaking the intense eye contact being held across the bar.

"Ro-" Finding himself choked up a little, Ross clears his throat; "Ross. Hornby, Ross Hornby." Smiling softly, Ross mentally congratulates himself on sounding a lot like a nervous teenager and tries to ignore the pang of strong sexual attraction that slips into his stomach when Alex winks at him and turns away to make his drink.

"What the hell took you so long?!" Chris exclaims when Ross slips into the booth beside him, looking flustered but nonetheless pleased with himself. Cradling 'The Highlander' in his hands, Ross tries to hold back the huge smile threatening to spread across his features as he blushes anyway and replies.

"I just got the barman's number, mate."

Credit to Smushfaace on Ao3

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