Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

It was the day of my dad's wedding. Valerie took me and Skylar to the side to examine our dresses and make sure we didn't cause a scene. The service started. Everyone sat down. Landon sat by Kingsley and my mom sat by Vincent. They handed out the rings. My dad really looked happy with Valerie. After a few words from the pastor, the service ended.

Then there was the reception. Kendall and I were slow dancing. I laid my head on his shoulder and he pulled me closer.

"I'm so happy that this is finally over. No one is trying to separate us anymore." Kendall mumbled.

"What about your parents?" I asked.

"I'm not sure about what they're doing anymore." Kendall admitted.

"Then I guess we'll have to be prepared for anything."

"I guess so." He agreed. We finished dancing to the song and sat down at a table. Landon and Kingsley joined us. They were holding hands.

"Are you two together?" I looked up at them.

"Yea." Landon responded.

"That's nice." Kendall smiled.

"You seem good together." I stated.

"Thank you." Kingsley grinned.

"We got to go." Landon and Kingsley stood. "Oh and Kendall, sleep in your own bed,not Vivvy's." Kendall's mouth fell open. Neither of us thought that he would know that. 

"Sorry Landon." Kendall blushed.

"It's fine, Kendall." They left us. 

"What's this about you sleeping in my daughter's bed?" My dad joined us. He glared at  Kendall.

"Sir, I respect your daughter and would never take advantage of her." Kendall spoke seriously.

"I believe you, son. Enjoy the party." My dad went back to Valerie.

I turned to Kendall. "I think he likes you or at least respects you." 

The Impossible End(The Final Book of The Perfect Half Series)Where stories live. Discover now