Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Ronald and Lydia Sparks sprinted away. Lydia turned to Ronald.

"What do we do now?" She asked.

"We live forever, Lydia. We can't defeat them, but maybe we can defeat their child. We'll destroy it and that will make them suffer." Ronald said. Now that this was over, Vivian and Kendall could be together. No one can stop them now. They'd have the hybrid child. They'd do the unknown. They could truly do anything together. Ronald and Lydia realized something........

They were unstoppable.

We walked into my house. Leon started pulling bullets out of Vincent and Ryan. I healed Ryan when he was through. Then I turned to Vincent. He was holding his side. I reached down and replaced his hand with mine. He skin glowed and the bullet hole was gone.

"Thank you, brown eyes." Vincent smiled.

"I should be thanking you. You took a bullet for me and Kendall. That was so caring of you." I hugged him and he wrapped his arms around me. "I love you, Vincent."

"I love you too, brown eyes." Vincent said. Kendall joined us and we pulled back. He gave Vincent a hug.

"Thank you for saving our lives." 

"You two mean the world to me." Vincent stated. Kendall smiled at him.

Soon everyone went home. Kendall hugged me and I pulled him close.

"Will you stay here tonight?" I asked.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" He met my gaze.


"I can't say no to you." He kissed me. We went to my room and climbed into bed. Before I knew it, we fell asleep.

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