Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Cynthia Donaldson and Vincent Bloomingdale were searching for Vivian. No one had any idea where she was. Vincent turned to Cynthia.

"I want to tell you who I have chosen." 

"Vincent, Can't this wait?" Cynthia asked.

"Cynthia, I want to be with you." Vincent admitted. Cynthia stared at him.

"What about Kingsley?" 

"I don't want Kingsley. I want you." Vincent said.

"I want to be with you too. But if you want me, you can only be with me. Not Kingsley or any other girl." Cynthia sucked in a breath.

"I only want you." Cynthia kissed him. They could finally be together.

Kingsley watched Vincent choose Cynthia. She turned around and walked away. Then she sat down. A boy with brown eyes and brown hair sat next to her. Vivian's brother. Kingsley forgot his name.

"Why are you so sad?" Vivian's brother asked.

"Vincent chose Cynthia." She paused. "I lose in life and in death."

"Sorry to disagree with you, but how did you lose in death? You're smart and funny. You look amazing for your age." Kingsley balked at him

"What's your name again?" She asked.

"Landon." He replied.

"No guy has ever been this nice to me, Landon." 

"Maybe you haven't met the right guy, yet." Landon suggested.

""Maybe not." Kingsley stared into his brown eyes. They were just as beautiful as Vivian's. Landon had a strong upper body and a slim lower. Kingsley found him very attractive.

"I'd like to get to know you, Landon."

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